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Body Roll


February 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Broomfield, Colorado
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 Explorer Sport
I have a 94 Sport I just inherited. It's a nice truck, but the ride scares the crap out of ya sometimes. The body roll in a hard turn is unbelieveable. I've never been a vehicle that rolls around and bounces like this one. The truck has 85K on it and I'm planning on replacing the shocks as I know at least one is known bad. The problem is, I can remember this truck having the roll in it right off the showroom floor when my old man bought it.

If I'm going to replace the shocks, is there any particular type that will cure this problem or at least make it somewhat better in regards to "mushy" suspension? Is there a total cure to this problem? My two prior vehicles were a 2000 Ram Off-Road and a Wrangler, so I'm not too worried about a little stiffer ride if it helps eliminate the roll. If I can't fix this, the trucks gonna have to go, as I like to feel a bit more in control when I drive.

-Adam :exp: :shoot:

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I have Monroe Reflex. They're pretty stiff. Also, you should probably replace your anti-sway bar bushings with poly ones. That should help also.

I know what you're talking about. Change the shocks without any further thought. I put in Edelbrocks and they've made a lot of difference to the roll/swaying. I also put in a thick anti-sway bar in the rear (the front one on the '98 is already pretty thick) with poly bushings and I'm sure that has helped too. If you have bad/worn/stubby tires you should change them.

I ordered my stuff from Good service, good prices, no hassle.

I would go with the Edelbrock shocks at all corners asap.

Consider the Explorer express sway bar set ( you will need both front and rear based on your year model ).

Good luck.....


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New shocks and POLY bushings...
About 18 months ago, I replaced the bushings with the Energy Suspensions Master Kit..I couldn't believe the difference. At the moment, I'm running 7+ inches of lift and it still handles better then it did when I bought it. At the same time, I replaced all for shocks with Rancho 5000's...The ride is alittle harsh, but more then makes up for it in handling.

Edlebrock $67 each vs. Monroe Reflex $37 each. Both seem to use the same basic technology. What am I getting for the extra $120 besides the name? I'll be honest, I don't know much about Edlebrock shocks. The last time I used the name was the manifold for my '71 Camaro.

I live in Colorado, so I'll be in the mountains. I don't plan on going 4-wheeling all the time, cuz I get my fix on my dirtbike, but anyone that's gone off road out here knows **** sometimes happens. I will be using the truck to hunt and fish out of, which will require rutted roads and occasionally getting a little above my head (past experiences) on trails.

What's that extra $120 gonna get me?

I've been there, but can't find much past all the marketing BS. From all I see, I'm paying $30 for a name. The Monroe site doesn't give much more info. I can't find any tech on either shock. Piston size, tube size, etc. Maybe the Edlebrock is beefier and that could make worth $30 more per shock, but I just can't find anything that tells me that.


Where can I get the Energy Suspension bushings and how much do they cost?

Take a look at their website[.url] Good luck.....

Don't remember where I got them, but they were around $125 for the complete set...Both Sway bars, shocks, Radius arms, axle pivot arm, leaf eyes, and shackle bushings...Very happy with them. Also, very happy with the Rancho's.
You are going to find that there are many opinions and shocks and bushings, just use your best judgement...I have used the gabrial...OK, the super lift...SUCK, and the Ranchos...GOOD...All of these were under $35 ea..
My next set will probally be the Rancho 9000, simply because I was happy with the 5000's, and they are suppose to be better..

I am running Bilstein shocks and poly bushings. It made a huge difference in body roll, and that side to side movement over bumps.
