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Elite Explorer
March 23, 2021
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City, State
Eau Claire WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Explorer XLT4x4 SOHC
Yes, the gov't wants them in new cars, along with automatic emergency braking! Gee, I bet NOTHING could go wrong with this, LOL


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The car is in the front side and the government is deep in the backside. Just another lock for someone to defeat.

Automatic braking is fairly foolproof. It’s fairly easy for a vision system to recognize a stoped object and realize you aren’t paying attention. I bet it considerably lowers your insurance.

The breathalyzer’s won’t make it in. There’s been a few states trying to mandate that for years.

Automatic braking is fairly foolproof. It’s fairly easy for a vision system to recognize a stoped object and realize you aren’t paying attention. I bet it considerably lowers your insurance.

The breathalyzer’s won’t make it in. There’s been a few states trying to mandate that for years.
indeed so, can vouch for its effectiveness. however, knowing people with teslas, i hear that the car have slammed the brakes under an overpass before thinking theres something there, but it just got dark.


Automatic braking is fairly foolproof. It’s fairly easy for a vision system to recognize a stoped object and realize you aren’t paying attention. I bet it considerably lowers your insurance.

The breathalyzer’s won’t make it in. There’s been a few states trying to mandate that for years.
I have a freightliner truck with the automatic braking and overpasses or signs are enough to lockup the brakes with cruise control on. When they get it right, it would be nice to have.

I don’t drink, and I’m still very against the breathalyzer tech.

What about people with health conditions? You’ve got a trach and stoma, can otherwise drive fine, and can’t blow into a tube—what the **** now?

It’s gonna need maintenance and cleaning. And calibration.

And those who want to drink and drive will get around it.

All part of the NWO / deep state agenda to control the masses. Every thing they do is a piece of the agenda.

Automatic braking is fairly foolproof. It’s fairly easy for a vision system to recognize a stoped object and realize you aren’t paying attention

Our 2020 Explorer brakes for ghosts which I find extremely dangerous. There is no reason for the vehicle to hit it's brakes when a car is making a right hand turn one lane over. This has happened on multiple occasions with the "Adaptive Cruise Control" set. This isn't just a Ford thing either. My mother's Lexus does the exact same thing. Nothing like a car hitting it's brakes hard in traffic when those behind least expect it.

Our 2020 Explorer brakes for ghosts which I find extremely dangerous. There is no reason for the vehicle to hit it's brakes when a car is making a right hand turn one lane over. This has happened on multiple occasions with the "Adaptive Cruise Control" set. This isn't just a Ford thing either. My mother's Lexus does the exact same thing. Nothing like a car hitting it's brakes hard in traffic when those behind least expect it.
I’m assuming tech is all there, but they’re trying to do too much with it. You could probably stop 50% of rear end collisions without being intrusive. They’re probably trying to stop a much higher percentage.

Tech like this, and autonomous driving could greatly be helped by changing the road markings slightly.

You could probably stop 50% of rear end collisions without being intrusive. They’re probably trying to stop a much higher percentage.

Too bad they don't care about the motorcycle, or the folks driving old cars that aren't expecting a car to slam on it's brakes when there is a clear path ahead. Hey, they were "following too closely" right? That's always a good fall back.:rolleyes:

I have found that the car will slam on it's brakes regularly when a vehicle is making a right turn from the shoulder. In this area there are a lot of dirt roads which intersect with a 65mph highway. Folks will pull onto the shoulder to slow and make their turn. That is what the ADAS doesn't like. It sees the car on the shoulder as a "threat".

Another pet peeve is driving along with the adaptive cruise control on, with a semi up ahead. I turn on my signal to move with multiple semi lengths between me and the obstacle and BAM the car hits it's brakes even though there is probably a 200 foot gap. The turn signal is on so the car should "know" my intention is to maintain speed and move into a clear lane.

IMO if the vehicle doesn't respond as a human would expect, it shouldn't be allowed on the road while it is still "beta". I did not sign up to be a Ford beta tester.

Can you not turn it off?

Again, it’s a problem of how it’s being utilized. That’s on Ford, not the tech. It shouldn’t ever stomp on the brakes.

And, yeah, you really should leave enough distance to react to the car in front of you doing anything. There’s always a chance someone isn’t paying attention and is going to slam on their brakes. Some of the liability surely would fall on them.

Too bad they don't care about the motorcycle, or the folks driving old cars that aren't expecting a car to slam on it's brakes when there is a clear path ahead. Hey, they were "following too closely" right? That's always a good fall back.:rolleyes:

I have found that the car will slam on it's brakes regularly when a vehicle is making a right turn from the shoulder. In this area there are a lot of dirt roads which intersect with a 65mph highway. Folks will pull onto the shoulder to slow and make their turn. That is what the ADAS doesn't like. It sees the car on the shoulder as a "threat".

Another pet peeve is driving along with the adaptive cruise control on, with a semi up ahead. I turn on my signal to move with multiple semi lengths between me and the obstacle and BAM the car hits it's brakes even though there is probably a 200 foot gap. The turn signal is on so the car should "know" my intention is to maintain speed and move into a clear lane.

IMO if the vehicle doesn't respond as a human would expect, it shouldn't be allowed on the road while it is still "beta". I did not sign up to be a Ford beta tester.
Even though I like to leave a long gap between me and the car ahead, it's par for the course someone will just have to jump into that space. I wonder how the newer cars with the tech you describe, react to that. Not being cut off, just shrinking the following distance.

Too bad they don't care about the motorcycle, or the folks driving old cars that aren't expecting a car to slam on it's brakes when there is a clear path ahead. Hey, they were "following too closely" right? That's always a good fall back.:rolleyes:

I have found that the car will slam on it's brakes regularly when a vehicle is making a right turn from the shoulder. In this area there are a lot of dirt roads which intersect with a 65mph highway. Folks will pull onto the shoulder to slow and make their turn. That is what the ADAS doesn't like. It sees the car on the shoulder as a "threat".

Another pet peeve is driving along with the adaptive cruise control on, with a semi up ahead. I turn on my signal to move with multiple semi lengths between me and the obstacle and BAM the car hits it's brakes even though there is probably a 200 foot gap. The turn signal is on so the car should "know" my intention is to maintain speed and move into a clear lane.

IMO if the vehicle doesn't respond as a human would expect, it shouldn't be allowed on the road while it is still "beta". I did not sign up to be a Ford beta tester.
You are right on the $$.. Just wait a few more years and AI will be in total control of all new vehicles. You won't even have a steering wheel, a brake pedal or accelerator. You'll punch your destination into the onboard computer and hit the GO button.. Scary thought huh ? I have an Uncle who graduated from MIT back in the 50"s who told me this was coming when I was a teen and all into motorcycles and fast cars. He said the roads will all have tracking sensors in them and these cars would follow the routes based on sensor feed back.. Seems he wasn't far off.. Doubt if I'll be around to see this happen at my age but I'm not going to say it will never happen any more... Like it did back then.. LOL

He said the roads will all have tracking sensors in them and these cars would follow the routes based on sensor feed back..

That was a thing... Arizona had sensors installed on roads in our snow country which guided the snowplows hands free. That was at least two decades ago. No idea how long the program lasted, or if they are still using it.

That was a thing... Arizona had sensors installed on roads in our snow country which guided the snowplows hands free. That was at least two decades ago. No idea how long the program lasted, or if they are still using it.
Here they are experimenting with GPS and a heads up display on the windshield to show road lines and obstacles like bridge transitions for the plow trucks.

We aren't there yet, the AI is not developed enough for public roads.

It would be better if it had a constant learning mode, even if it were as simple as a button the driver pushed which indicated "hey you screwed up and should have taken no action", or vice-versa.
