Broken Ground Strap - Hood | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Broken Ground Strap - Hood


Well-Known Member
April 4, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Bonita Springs, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT, V6 OHV
My headlights and interior lights have had a slight flicker for a while which has gotten worse recently.

I think this broken ground strap may be the problem. Has anyone changed this before?


Unfortunately it’s riveted to the hood so I can’t remove it easily. I see a hole were I could try to attach a new ground strap and I can just drill into the area were the other end of the existing ground strap is anchored.


I’d appreciate advice if anyone has repaired or replaced one of these before. If I install a new one I’ll make sure to document it as I can see this becoming more common due to the age of our vehicles. Thanks.

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My headlights and interior lights have had a slight flicker for a while which has gotten worse recently.

I think this broken ground strap may be the problem. Has anyone changed this before?

View attachment 441947

Unfortunately it’s riveted to the hood so I can’t remove it easily. I see a hole were I could try to attach a new ground strap and I can just drill into the area were the other end of the existing ground strap is anchored.

View attachment 441948

I’d appreciate advice if anyone has repaired or replaced one of these before. If I install a new one I’ll make sure to document it as I can see this becoming more common due to the age of our vehicles. Thanks.
Yes, I replace all my ground strsps.
Someone replace that.
The OEM connection are a slip connector.
I try the rivets , but they don't last.

Yes, I replace all my ground strsps.
Someone replace that.
The OEM connection are a slip connector.
I try the rivets , but they don't last.
Do you remember the part number that you used? Thanks.

Do you remember the part number that you used? Thanks.
I made up my own, using #10 awg building wire xhhn. Amazon is selling them. I believe I found them on rockauto. braided ground strap. They were price fairly. You still have too make up the ends.
Just a note, this topic was discussed before on this forum.

Do you remember the part number that you used? Thanks.
MEETOOT 5pcs 250mm Braided Ground Strap Gold Color Automotive Engine Copper Ground Strap Wire with Terminals Plugs. $8.59
MEETOOT 5pcs 250mm Braided Ground Strap Gold Color Automotive Engine Copper Ground Strap Wire with Terminals Plugs. $8.59
Thanks for the info. I’ll go with something like that. I’m just trying to figure out if there’s a difference between using a ground wire or a braided ground strap in that location.

No difference

just trying to figure out if there’s a difference between using a ground wire or a braided ground strap in that location

The hood strap is most likely only for the under hood light. Shouldn’t affect the headlights or interior lights.

The hood strap is most likely only for the under hood light. Shouldn’t affect the headlights or interior lights.
Mine was dangling so I cut the rest of it away off

Thanks for the info. I’ll go with something like that. I’m just trying to figure out if there’s a difference between using a ground wire or a braided ground strap in that location.
The braided ground wire- will have a smaller physical size than a round stranded copper wire for the same current rating.
The manufacturer uses that ground type for Appearance, simplicity, and flexibility.
If you have building wire on hand, uses that with ring terminals.

The hood strap is most likely only for the under hood light. Shouldn’t affect the headlights or interior lights.
Did the 98-01 models have an under hood light? That’s interesting as I haven’t seen one yet. Good to know.

The braided ground wire- will have a smaller physical size than a round stranded copper wire for the same current rating.
The manufacturer uses that ground type for Appearance, simplicity, and flexibility.
If you have building wire on hand, uses that with ring terminals.
Yes, that makes sense as the broken ground wire is painted harvest gold to match the rest of the vehicle. They had to use an insulated wire so they could paint it.
