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Budget Bottomless Cold Water Dispenser

Is water the only thing ever in your fridge??

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Dogs can drink out of the toilet because their able to live just fine with the bacteria found in toilets.
This is just a "rule of thumb" but, if you can lik your ass you too can drink out of the toilet.
By the way, Really nice water dispenser.


Reminds me of the Blue Collar Comedy Tour...

Larry the Cable Guy is talking about a dog water purifier and its price. He asks the sales person if they have a turd purifier also, since the dog ate one not too long ago.

The more I look at those photos, the more I realize that's a pretty ingenius little invention. It gives a new meaning to a 'domestic engineer.'

AdamCKach said:
If the women don't find you handsome, they at least find you handy. - Red Green



And honey if your watching, I'll be home right after the show.

Great idea, but I do agree with the filter idea also.

To make it a true red green invention though you should ditch those fancy brass whatsit's for ducktap :D


i love that show LOL

BonesDT said:
AHHH! No more morning cotton-mouth. Now that's the coldest toilet ball **** water I have ever tasted!

For some reason that quote makes me laugh.

Man, wheres the groceries? :confused:

Discovered this post while searching for something else. Laughed so hard I felt it deserved a bump ttt.

How inovated.
You might want to think about cleaning the bottle out every so often. One of my duties as a forman while building the Balt. Ravens stadium was to make sure the water jugs got cleaned reguarly. In fact OSHA demanded it. They would get a bacteria if not cleaned. Even home I do not refill the same jug too much. You don't want to get the runs :(

Hahaha. Yeah, that thing didn't last too long. When I moved, there was dirt at the bottom of the container. I sacked up and bought an office cooler with 5 gallon delivery.

ROFLOL!!! Too cheap for a Brita, huh? LOLOL!!!

The other thing is that when a toilet valve leaks or doesn't shut off, the overflow runs down the drain, not across the kitchen floor LOL!


Does it have an adaptor for a keg? :chug:

That's a good thought about women finding you handy. All you have to do is put a hook on it and you can hang it in the shower when needed. Then it could serve two purposes.

rookieshooter said:
All you have to do is put a hook on it and you can hang it in the shower when needed. Then it could serve two purposes.

Like if I get thirsty in the shower, for instance.

shaker1 said:
Discovered this post while searching for something else. Laughed so hard I felt it deserved a bump ttt.

I wonder what he was searching for if the result was a thread about ball **** water

jtsmith said:
I wonder what he was searching for if the result was a thread about ball **** water

This might seem like a long shot but toilet repair?

Hmm we need a thread "what was he searching for":D

Great thread. Thanks for the tip!

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