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C & L MAF Install

JDraper said:
The C&L is not a meter, just the housing. It uses the stock Ford (or aftermarket) electronics.

So the answer is no then :)

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I assume, since its aluminum, you could spend a few days sanding and polishing it by hand and then get it powdercoated with clear. ;) You could be the first one! :D

Some of us would paint it black if we can ever afford such things though. :p

The C & L MAF ( housing ) looks fine just as it is.


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Just returned from a long road trip.

A data based on Doug’s dyno tuned 93 program, and 93 Amoco gas.

First leg of the trip was 548 miles. This was mostly I75 ( Sarasota to Atlanta ). Stuck in traffic for 1 ½ hours at virtually 0 MPH. Mileage was 28.7 MPG. I am disregarding this leg due to the traffic problems as well as about 40 miles of in town ( Atlanta ) traffic driving.

Return leg was 507 miles, average speed 68.96 MPH ( GPS determined ), and mileage was 31.7 MPG.

Based on this single run ( and single computer tune ), it appears that the C & L MAF netted me 1 MPG.

i dont have my truck on me i had an accident in it... =( i have a k&N FIPK in my truck would the C&L MAF be compatible with it or to i have to rig it so the filter connects... cuz i believe my stock MAF bolts up to the heatsheild

More than likely you will have to fab a mount. There is no flang on the C & L.

Good luck.

The C&L is just a housing and not a MAF, correct?
My bad, I read above posts over again, lot o bux for almost 0 gain,IMO

Nice Al, I thought I was pretty good at modifying my "X" but you always seem to be one step ahead of me.

I wonder if the C&L MAF will fit on a Volant #19640 intake kit?

Lazzman said:
I wonder if the C&L MAF will fit on a Volant #19640 intake kit?

I've got Volant (as you know) and C&L (as you might not know). The filter box does a great job supporting the weight of the setup.



are thoese MPG #s the V8 or the 4.0L V6 ???

aspitaletto said:

are thoese MPG #s the V8 or the 4.0L V6 ???

I only wish that sort of mileage was possible with a V8. Al has a SOHC 4.0L V6. His Ex is also 2WD which makes a difference as well. Find his "quest for 30" thread. It's a massive thread been going on for years. He references it in his signature line.

Does anyone have the ability to measure the smallest ID of the C&L housing? I know that's asking a lot but we could make more since of where the 73MM is coming from. If the measurement is not = to 73MM then the smaller id is not where the measurement is coming from. This would clear up a few questions and help everyone understand.

I guess my stock housing is different. I don't have any screen at all. The only thing I see when I take the sensor out is a straight thru hole. I do notice one flat at the top where the sensor mounts. I don't notice that on the C&L. Maybe this is where the performance gain is coming from. That and just being bigger.

I am very interested in ordering a MAF housing body, but you did not mention the P/N. When looking at the C&L 73mm bodies it is hard to know what one works with the OEM MAF sensor, as they do not show any for X's, only mustangs.

I am very interested in ordering a MAF housing body, but you did not mention the P/N. When looking at the C&L 73mm bodies it is hard to know what one works with the OEM MAF sensor, as they do not show any for X's, only mustangs.

Contact Doug at Bama Chips and he can help you.

So what exactly is the purpose of the MAF housing? And does it really net more HP?

And this was just a simple replacement? Just carefully take out the sensor from the OEM one, and place into the new one? and do you really need the support?

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Holy Cripes! It's like not that bad of a price for HP+!
