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Cabin Noise


September 1, 2022
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Clayton nc
Year, Model & Trim Level
2022 explorer platinum
I have a 2022 explorer platinum. Love the car except it has a loud engine noise inside the cabin when starting off. Could be exhaust, been told it’s the turbo but just not satisfied with that answer. Dealership wants to say it’s normal, I don’t agree. Trying to find one I can drive yo compare to but they are hard to find

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Is your model equipped with the fake engine sound from the speakers?

It’s not noise cancelation, this is a very distinct exhaust noise
Some models play fake engine noise to make them appear more “sporty”. It’s not any kind of cancelation.


My 2021 Platinum does not have fake engine noise. However engine noise/exhaust noise is noticeable in the cabin under moderate to full acceleration.
Frankly the Platinum is the loudest vehicle I have ever owner in 50 years of driving.

welcome to EF!

My 2021 Platinum does not have fake engine noise. However engine noise is very noriceable in the cabin under moderate to full accleration.
Frankly the Platinum is the loudest vehicle I have ever owner in 50 years of driving.
It’s bad enough that I’m ready to sell it and buy something else. And it won’t be a Ford. Love everything about the vehicle except that. Had a 2014 for 8 years, no engine noise

Everyone is different in their tolerance for engine noise. If your car were 2020-2021, cracks in the welds on the (cat) downpipes and failed flex section mid pipes could cause a lot of exhaust noise. Earlier 2020-2021 explorers had insulation covering the firewall in the engine bay. Looks like that is now gone on all newer Explorers that I've seen. Even so, with the build quality at Chicago, there could be missing insulation inside the cabin just like others have found missing parts all over the car. It's up to you to investigate that though.

I have a 2022 explorer platinum. Love the car except it has a loud engine noise inside the cabin when starting off. Could be exhaust, been told it’s the turbo but just not satisfied with that answer. Dealership wants to say it’s normal, I don’t agree. Trying to find one I can drive yo compare to but they are hard to find
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
If it's what I think it is, then the dealer is correct. Unfortunately. it is normal. I noticed the same thing with my 2020 Aviator when pulling away from a stop. It's the twin turbos. Once getting up to speed, the noise is gone. Both the Aviator and the Platinum have the same 3.0L V6 engine.


I have a 2022 explorer platinum. Love the car except it has a loud engine noise inside the cabin when starting off. Could be exhaust, been told it’s the turbo but just not satisfied with that answer. Dealership wants to say it’s normal, I don’t agree. Trying to find one I can drive yo compare to but they are hard to find
I have a 2022 explorer platinum and it's pretty darn quiet unless you really step on it, then there is a very satisfying growl!

I have a 2022 explorer platinum and it's pretty darn quiet unless you really step on it, then there is a very satisfying growl!
Good to hear they finally got it right.

I have a 2022 explorer platinum. Love the car except it has a loud engine noise inside the cabin when starting off. Could be exhaust, been told it’s the turbo but just not satisfied with that answer. Dealership wants to say it’s normal, I don’t agree. Trying to find one I can drive yo compare to but they are hard to find

I had issues with my 2019 Explorer making grind noise with accelerating between 1-2000 rpm. Took to dealer Wher bought says was turbo. Well didn’t hear it for a year. Took it back Was going to run diagnostics on it Then some ****y service manager decided to tell me it’s fine my mechanics told you it’s the turbo blow off I said no it’s not I said it has to do with the transmission took it to another dealer cause he told me I should go get another opinion and they ran diagnostics and found nothing took it to another Ford dealer . Service manager drove it immediately heard it says it’s my torque converter. After two months it’s finally going in to be repaired under warranty on 12 September my warranty will run out at 60,000 miles I currently have 49 on it. I think the sport dealers are giving me the runaround till my warranty runs out and then I’d have to pay out-of-pocket

^^ That's a different issue, Helen. Good luck.


^^ That's a different issue, Helen. Good luck.


I know I was just saying how he went to a Ford dealer and they blew it off as if there’s nothing wrong because I know that feeling

Are you normal mode/sport mode/etc? With Sport you certainly will get the increased sound from the "engine" (speakers) - normal and eco would be the quietest and no speaker sounds...

I had issues with my 2019 Explorer making grind noise with accelerating between 1-2000 rpm. Took to dealer Wher bought says was turbo. Well didn’t hear it for a year. Took it back Was going to run diagnostics on it Then some ****y service manager decided to tell me it’s fine my mechanics told you it’s the turbo blow off I said no it’s not I said it has to do with the transmission took it to another dealer cause he told me I should go get another opinion and they ran diagnostics and found nothing took it to another Ford dealer . Service manager drove it immediately heard it says it’s my torque converter. After two months it’s finally going in to be repaired under warranty on 12 September my warranty will run out at 60,000 miles I currently have 49 on it. I think the sport dealers are giving me the runaround till my warranty runs out and then I’d have to pay out-of-pocket
for you and everyone getting the run around from service make Shure a service ticket is produced with problems stated and response from dealer service and any other shop. you then have a record even if it does go over warrantee and finally fully fails you got paper trail for possible legal action also works if repair done just before end of warrantee and fails few months later no documents your word against there's you also have right to go to level above dealer direct with manufacture

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I have a 2022 explorer platinum. Love the car except it has a loud engine noise inside the cabin when starting off. Could be exhaust, been told it’s the turbo but just not satisfied with that answer. Dealership wants to say it’s normal, I don’t agree. Trying to find one I can drive yo compare to but they are hard to find
I have the same problem with my 2021 Ford Explorer Platnium. It's as if there is no sound dampening material between the engine bay and the interior. Is there a way to dampen the engine sound?
