Calif. Widfires '09 | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Calif. Widfires '09

...I'm not sure how close it is to the golf course but, that road is where I did 2 different jobs this year...(Just to the right of Angeles Crest)...

They are now madatory evauation for 500 homes around the golf course you were asking about.:(

and I heard there is another fire out by Hemet now.

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...Hopefully no one will need this but, just in case...

U-Haul Offers Free Storage To Wildfire Victims

With four different wildfires burning in two counties, the U-Haul Cos. Of Los Angeles East, San Fernando Valley, Riverside and San Bernardino are coming forward to offer some help.

The company is offering 30 days of free storage to residents affected by the various wildfires in the area. The storage facilities are located at:

* Los Angeles East, 1985 E. Covina, Covina, (626) 859-4500
* San Fernando Valley, 27150 Sierra Highway, Canyon Country, (661) 298- 8220
* San Bernardino, 891 S. Arrowhead Ave., (909) 885-2056
* Riverside, 23700 Sunnymead Blvd., Moreno Valley, (951) 485-2003

This morning was crazy. Moved the car out of the garage, and you see the ash floating in the air like snow. As I parked the car in the back parking lot of our place, it created more flotaing ash, like moon dust everywhere. I put the girls on lock down in the house, with the central A/C. Don't want them breathing this crap!

asphalt at my house looks like a salt and pepper truck over turned :(
Posted via Mobile Device

Here's a pic I took less than an hour ago from the LA area:


  • DSC00076.JPG
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Went to Santa Barbara to get some parts;) and alot changed why we gone:(

Fire grew about 3 miles closer! :eek: I'm looking at flames on the Mtn. from my bedroom window as I type!

They are doing mandatory evacuations, a little over a mile from us. The wild will shift back again tonight, and that is when the danger comes. If we get Embers, we'll have fire in our backyard. The hiil side behind us as been water down most of the day, we have about 200ft of hose in the complex if needed. We are also going to get some important paperwork togeter if we're asked to leave.

getting a little too close:(

View from my bedroom window

Went to the store and came back....BUT I FORGOT THE MARSHMELLOWS!!:banghead:


..Tonight's live feed...

...My customer by the golf course was evacuated and 3 houses by him are now gone...From what I heard, the fire grew about 4 times it size today and decided to split directions...

...I also heard a couple more fires broke out and one was down by Camp Pendleton...I did manage to get some pics today from different areas but between driving and my camera, they are not that great...

...From the Big "A"...



..From Norco at dusk...It was actually an awesome view in the red sky but the pic doesn't show it...:(

...And this is another fire when I was leaving Riverside/La Sierra area...

...And this is another fire when I was leaving Riverside/La Sierra area...
Hmm, driving around all day, and everywhere you go, there happens to be a fire...:scratch: :shifty_ey

:p: ;)

...The only fires I start are in the heart of the ladies...:p:

...They just had the big press conference with the Governator and one of the things they mentioned was there was 89 new fires in the State yesterday...Thanks to our Fire Fighters, most all of them were put out..:salute:

...The DC10 is flying today and on tuesday they will have two "Super Soakers" from Canada eh?

...Here is the live audio link to KNX1070 radio...

...They were talking to Las Vegas on the radio and the smoke has now traveled over there...They were concerned about the So Cal people getting home as the smoke at the passes is creating limited visibility...

...There are currently 9 major fires burning in Calif. including Yellowstone...There must be a breeze today because it looks horribly nasty along the foothills all the way to Big Bear...

...They also say that the 911 dispatch has been backed up from all the idiots calling 911 to ask where the smoke is coming from...:rolleyes:

Working on trying to get a live feed for you guys;) It will be a live feed webcam from my bedroom....only focused on the fire "outside":D

I'llpst up the link...if I get it working...If it works we will be able to brodcast Livefrom T-haven in the future.:thumbsup:

Lets see if this works...

...While we are waiting for Stic-o-cam, I will try and post a link for today's Governator briefing on the fire...

...And the live arial feed..If you look close you can see Stic-o standing on top of the JP mobile waving a white flag...:p:

...This afternoon news...

Station fire threatens thousands of homes..

"Wildfire threatened over 10,000 homes, 500 commercial properties and 2,000 other structures. and rained ash on cars as far away as downtown Los Angeles on Sunday, spreading in all directions in hot, dry conditions.:

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