Can I get rid of the CV on my AWD 4404? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Can I get rid of the CV on my AWD 4404?


Well-Known Member
June 29, 2005
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Kansas City, MO
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05 Tundra DC
Hey Guys, the answer to this is probably available in a search but it's not working right now. I got a database error and it said an email was sent to the administrator.

Anyhow, I went down to the driveline shop this morning so they could build me a driveshaft to work with the AWD BW4404 I have in my Ranger. Turns out those CV joint driveshafts are pre-made. You don't just purchase the CV and add a shaft as I was hoping. The driveline shop was skeptical about been able to successfully modify a stock Explorer front drive shaft to work for me but they said they'd give it a try if I want. They really didn't like them though. They said they see so many of those coming in because the CVs fail.

Even if I do find a cheap used CV front drive shaft and have it shortened or lengthened to fit my truck if ever I have a problem I have to get a new custom shaft made. Not fun.

So we went to look at my truck and the front yolk or flange or whatever you want to call it appears to be part of the output shaft. I recall from old posts I've seen on here that there was another variation of the 4404 that had a regular U-joint up front. Is that true? Will I be able to get a hold of the front output shaft from one of those and just swap it into my case?

Thanks for any insight.

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I found the CV style front driveshaft at for $215 + $53 core charge. It's a reman unit. Is that about as good a price as I'm going to find?

I'd still prefer to change to a non CV setup if possible.


What year transfer case are you using on your Ranger?



It's a 2000 BW 4404. I changed the back cover and output shaft so I could have the speedo cable option. Now I just need a front drive shaft.


Hey I just noticed in your pic... is that a NON CV 4404? How much for it? All I want is the front output shaft but I'm sure you're not going to part it out :)

I think I might have sold the non-cv unit when I sold the 96 tcase. But I do know I still have the CV one. I can check the garage though.

In case you've already sold your non CV t-case what year is that? What years were like that?


Section525, did you check yet? Also I was curious, do you know if I can just swap front output shafts?


Thanks man. I'll call him first thing in the morning. That would be even simpler yet.


You were right they do make the adapter. I ordered it this morning. $100 + $5 shipping. I'll post some pics when I get it and the final result of the install. Not sure if this interests others or not? Those factory CVs are very expensive.

Thanks again

Well I got the adapter on Thursday. Here's what it looks like.

Top side along with supplied hardware.


This gives you an idea of how it installs. Four bolts recess into the adatper securing it to the transfer case and the four larger bolts hold on the drive shaft.

I have an older 97 BW4404 laying in my garge for parts. I used it for the pics. Here's what the CV style front output flange looks like.

This is how the adapter fits.

Another shot.

Here's my front Ranger drive shaft modified. They put the u-joint flange on the transfer case side and had to shorten the shaft a little too.

The adapter's overall thickness was 7/8". The part that sticks out beyond the output flange on the transfer case was 9/16".

Everything seems to work fine. Well almost everything :) there's always something. Unrelated to the adapter, it seems my transfer case and front diff are almost inline with each other horizontally yet both of their yolks/flanges point slightly up. This creates an odd angle on that front drive shaft and I get a very low frequency vibe and humm from around 55mph and up. Not sure there's a lot I can do about it? I'm going to try and shim the tranny up a little to reduce the angle a tad but I'm not it's going to be enough to help any.


Thanks for sharing the info. I'm going to do that for sure if my front shaft goes again. For $100 that's an EASY fix!

I am doing something very similar. Cool information! Thanks for posting!


I know what a CV joint is, but what is a CV? How exactly does a CV fail?

Does a CV(continuos velocity) fail or the the actual JOINT fail.

It's called a CV Joint...

Continuos Velocity Joint....

Oh and BTW, you're never going to be replacing or modifying a CV, trust me.

LOL..... :rolleyes:


malcomv8 is that shaft from a 1st gen explorer or ranger i am gonna do the same thing but is just need to know what you got the drive shaft from so that i can have tom woods make the adapter

is the conversion for the driveshaft included in the $100 or was that seperate?

OK, now here's the next question: Will that adapter (or one likeit) fit the flange on a 97 44-05?? There are a lot of people running into issues with their CV shafts on the '97, and like you've discovered, they're a PITA to replace. I wonder if the front shaft off a 98 would work with a similar adapter in place of the 97 CV shaft?

Great find!!


OK, now here's the next question: Will that adapter (or one likeit) fit the flange on a 97 44-05?? There are a lot of people running into issues with their CV shafts on the '97, and like you've discovered, they're a PITA to replace. I wonder if the front shaft off a 98 would work with a similar adapter in place of the 97 CV shaft?

Great find!!

The 4405 CV between the 97 and 98 are interchangable -- I swapped the front CV driveshaft I was no longer using into my brother's 97 (with a 4405 of course) about a year ago.

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malcomv8 is that shaft from a 1st gen explorer or ranger i am gonna do the same thing but is just need to know what you got the drive shaft from so that i can have tom woods make the adapter

If you re-read my post with the picture that front drive shaft is from my Ranger. A 94 Ranger to be specific.

BTW - been using that adapter for about a year and 18k miles. Still runs like a top.
