CENTER CONSOLE refresh Part II | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Explorer Addict
December 28, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
Orange county, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 Explorer 4X 4.0 ohv
So I did the cubby holder / cup holder sections with this special textured paint (put overcoat of clear coat for durability and cleaning surfaces without diminishing paint etc. Have new arm rest installed as well. Cup holder base inserts on their way too....
BEFORE and several AFTERS:
(Gives new car vibe now!)

CONSOL 2.jpg
CUP HOLDER (2).jpg
CUP HOLDER (1).jpg

CONSOL 2.jpg

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Another good job! I bought a can of Krylon Fusion textured black a few years back, intended to paint the inserts on my '98's grill among other non-vehicle things, but never got around to it.

/\ My outer door handles are tattered / thrashed looking too... I've seen newer vehicles with black textured door handles...guess what's next ? :)

Man that looks great. I had restored my center console as well before I eventually ripped it along with the carpet out to clean, then decided after cleaning, I never wanted to put it back in and surprisingly more enjoy the free space :p I think if you're gonna have a center console, it may as well look pristine like yours!!

Have you done the cruise control buttons on the steering wheel? There's an amazon kit made of a different kind of rubber than the original or remakes that doesn't gum up and get all nasty. Super easy to install too and really refreshes the interior

Media section of main Forum page randomly showed me pics from this guy's album, and I went looking.
Speaking of repainting your center console and interior pieces, what do you think of this? Do we love it or hate it? Haha

Lots more pics in the album. I actually kind of like it, very 2004-2005 era. I would do something like this if my entire interior matched my body color, like on an older Ford truck with the metal dash and matching door cards.

Have you done the cruise control buttons on the steering wheel? There's an amazon kit made of a different kind of rubber than the original or remakes that doesn't gum up and get all nasty. Super easy to install too and really refreshes the interior .... I was pondering replacing those a couple years that I've made these improvements I'll probably follow up on those!....yeah, mine are super hideous, really the only eyesore left inside.
And yes, that guy's /10-5Elite6's Explorer looks awesome...quality work there.

Have you done the cruise control buttons on the steering wheel? There's an amazon kit made of a different kind of rubber than the original or remakes that doesn't gum up and get all nasty. Super easy to install too and really refreshes the interior .... I was pondering replacing those a couple years that I've made these improvements I'll probably follow up on those!....yeah, mine are super hideous, really the only eyesore left inside.
And yes, that guy's /10-5Elite6's Explorer looks awesome...quality work there.
I had done my dash bezel blue and was like.. Naaahhh.. But for the right person, definitely yeahhhhhh. Hahahaha. I think it would fit in in a 5.0L muscle truck and less in an offroader that's more utility oriented. Didn't feel right in mine, but I really see the right place and time!!

I forget which kit I got. If I could remember, I'd get you a link. Had it in for over a year now and no issues at all, rubber feels the same as day one and is clean-able. I remember the kit I saw is sold by a ton of different sellers so there's that.. Should be easy to get the same one.
I just had to take off the cover for the wheel and didn't need to run the new wires it comes with, since the old ones were fine. Meant minimal airbag risk. Chances are yours are the same! Prior to that I was running the electrical tape-it-out-of-sight-out-of-mind mod on the buttons hahaha. Very worth it to have them back. Brings it all together. [:

So I did the cubby holder / cup holder sections with this special textured paint (put overcoat of clear coat for durability and cleaning surfaces without diminishing paint etc. Have new arm rest installed as well. Cup holder base inserts on their way too....
BEFORE and several AFTERS:
(Gives new car vibe now!)
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?what texture paint did you use?

Hey Pete..
RUST-OLEUM It use to be around $6 but with bidenflation it's now $10.49 ! at Home Depot.
(For those who don't know, these two sections just pop right up and out by hand essentially / no screws, just clip in.)
