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Chinese Jeepin

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You know, sometimes I think I'M really stupid, until I see stuff like this and feel better about myself

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WOW! That's all i have to say.

BeauJ said:
You know, sometimes I think I'M really stupid, until I see stuff like this and feel better about myself

My thoughts exactly!!!

It really wasn't THAT stuck to begin with. There's no reason they couldn't pull it BACK over the hill.... What a bunch of morons.... not to mention, why the hail didn't they go get that back-hoe FIRST?!!? OK, maybe not first.... I admit I might have thought about lowering it to the ice and driving it across too, but when the nose broke through the ice, I would've stopped right there and got the loader.

What a bunch of morons......


edit: Anyone else notice that the moron that apparently owns it is dressed in a SUIT?!!? What a poseur....


im gonna have to say i think some of my friends are this freakn retarded though

Blee1099 said:
Obviously some untrained individuals at vehicle recovery. Thats why I have a hi-lift jack, shovel, come along. On top of the hill, they could have easily hi-lifted one end up added whatever they could find to give the tires some traction.
Ben, you have all that stuff cause you break stuff daily. HAHA dont pretend like its not the truth :D AND we both know you get stuck plenty ;)
Ben= the only guy who can break suspension parts when sitting still.

I just had to show the girlfriend just now.... I still can't believe what a bunch of morons these guys were... there were a hundred different ways they could have extracted the thing LONG before it even made it TO the ice... there's enough winch there to literally HOIST the daggum thing back over the hill!! All it would have taken was some creative rigging... Becaust the front end of the rescue vehicles was being pulled upwards, they needed an anchor vehicle to hold it in place.... running the winch line from the second vehicle UNDERNEATH the first vehicle to the front winch mount would have stopped it from being dragged forward, double-lining the winch would have SURELY yanked him off the top of the hill to start with, and worst case, why not go back the way he originally came? Surely one of those rescue vehicles could have made it up the hill to the point it was at originally and winched from there, right?

Heck, you mean to tell me that 24000 lbs of straight-line winching capacity (not to mention his own winch) wasn't enough to get that thing down off that little high-center?? Heck, invest in a few pulleys (instead of that dang Daewoo back-hoe), and you mean that darn near 25 tons of winch capacity wasn't enough pull to yank it off the high-center??

Morons.... I see morons!!

Just thinking again.... apparently these clowns never thought to invest in a pull-pal, huh? The moron could have extracted himself with one, or the rescue vehicles could have anchored themselves with it.....

Then again, what do I know?


TheRookie said:
Ben, you have all that stuff cause you break stuff daily. HAHA dont pretend like its not the truth :D AND we both know you get stuck plenty ;)
Ben= the only guy who can break suspension parts when sitting still.

I only broke one torsion bar standing still.. My truck is abused.. Hell it didn't like the way I stopped earlier.. Turned the ABS light on, drivers' side brake locked up and I started skidding sideways from 65 MPH. scared the crap out of me as well as the person in front of me watching my truck approach their car.

There's a lot of smart people out there.

It must be a jeep thing.

And what's with the blackout shading on the license plates? Then again - I guess I wouldn't want my license plate numbers posted on the internet either. I wouldn't want anyone to know I was THAT dumb.

gijoecam said:
...Anyone else notice that the moron that apparently owns it is dressed in a SUIT?!!? What a poseur....
That is Exactly what caught my eye... No one but a wanna bee goes off-road in a suit...

But in all honesty I believe the captions where incorrectly translated into English.. IMO the thread was about a water filtration pound becoming frozen and needed to be dredged. Over in China they discovered the best piece of equipment for this job is a Jeep :p !.. Usually they can dredge quite a few ponds with a jeep, but I guess this pond was just too much for this poor Jeep. :D

Buckshot said:
It must be a jeep thing.

And what's with the blackout shading on the license plates? Then again - I guess I wouldn't want my license plate numbers posted on the internet either. I wouldn't want anyone to know I was THAT dumb.

Just noticed that.. Its actually funny because you can still make out the plates with the black cloud around them...

At this point he's thinking "It's OK I have a Snorkel, that means I can go under water right?" :thumbsup: :D


Classic case of more dollars than sense! They could have just taken another vehicle and pushed him off of his high center, it would have done less damage than the approach taken.

lets bring an excavator after we already destroyed the peice!!!!

are you kiddin, what a moron. Well they do suck at drivin so i guess its natural.

[QUOTE='97 V8]are you kiddin, what a moron. Well they do suck at drivin so i guess its natural.[/QUOTE]

I do assume you have an explination better than that of you being as racist as that just sounded

what did you mean 97 v8?

What do you think he means? He's saying Chinese people suck at driving, because they tried to go through a pond with ice and they ride bikes all day.


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nova801428 said:
What do you think he means? He's saying Chinese people suck at driving, because they tried to go through a pond with ice and they ride bikes all day.
of course it's common sence to do so. you see a pond next to the road! drive through the pond it's more safe!
