Chip for SOHC 4.0 worth it? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Chip for SOHC 4.0 worth it?


Active Member
December 27, 2001
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SF Bay Area , California
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Eddie Bauer 4x4
Just thinking of getting a chip. But have a few questions on ppl who have used them in the SOHC 4.0. I have Eddie Bauer 4x4 with dual flowmaster exhaust and k&n drop in filter with modded air box. Am I really going to notice more power whats the real world hp gain either it be apten diablo hyper or jet?
I wouldnt mind using 91 octane but gets is there a chip that i flip the switch and use 87 gas.

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Go Apten. Get the 87/91 dual program. You'll LOVE it. I have similar mods (single Flowmaster, MAC intake) with my '00 SOHC and my X is so much more fun to drive now. The chip seems to tie in all the mods and polishes up the ride (nice smooth shiftpoints etc). I haven't used a tank of '87 since I got the chip (the 91 program is just too much fun), but it's nice to know I can.

Do a site-search for "Apten" and you'll find many others who feel the same way.

cool thanks..

p.s. Whatever you do, if you decide to go with Apten, phone in the order and deal with "Gene Fine". He's great. They're not too good about responding to email, but are very helpful once you get them on the line. Make sure you have your computer code handy because they can't program without it.

Has never made sense to me to pay for a dual chip< I have a single set for 91, i always run 91.
As celly says it is just to much fun, consider this scenario, your crusen along and some ricer wants to play, your runnin 87, your dicked, you can get the ricers phone #, go home, drain the 87 and fill up with 91, give him a call and say, okay I am ready for battle now dude, just makes no sence

I loved my single program custom Apten chip' power and mileage were noticable gains.

I solf that chip in favor of their ( Aptem ) Flasher with two custom programs; it is the best of both worlds.

By all means do a chip or better yet a Flasher.

You WILL with out question notice a differance.

Go with Apten.
I have the 87/91 chip and it is fantastic.
There actually is not a tremendous differance between 87 and 91.
I have mine is 87 most of the time but not all the time.

ya want the big clincher ?
Noticeabel MPG increase.
I went from 240ish a tank to 275ish a tank.

spindlecone said:
Has never made sense to me to pay for a dual chip

The only time I can see myself using the 87 program is if I'm doing a big road trip and want to save some $$$ by running 87. I did use 3/4 of a tank of 87 at first and it definitely runs better than a stocker. I have run across situations where small town gas stations don't have 91. I used to drive a Contour SVT and it was premium fuel only. Had to fill her up with 87 a few times because of it.

MONMIX said:
ya want the big clincher ?
Noticeabel MPG increase.
I went from 240ish a tank to 275ish a tank.

I have not noticed much of an MPG increase with all my mods, but mostly because the gas pedal is under siege often. ;)

Another time for a dual program is like right now in Florida.... one cannot get 93 or 91 or even 89;only 87.

Yes, they do have a purpose.

aldive said:
Another time for a dual program is like right now in Florida.... one cannot get 93 or 91 or 89 even' only 87.

Yes, they do have a purpose.

Because of the Hurricane ???


Believe it or not I got that much of an increase WITH punching it pretty regularly. Maybe even more than before :)

i really dont want to run 91 octane all the time, so does a chip set to 87 make much of a difference at all? also, should I wait until I do all my mods (I still want headers, high flow cats, 4.10 gears) before I get a chip so I don't have to reburn it or are those mods that won't affect it?

Look on Apten's site for a list of mods that require reburning; many do not.

I am running a custom superchip right now and I couldn't be happier. I have a performance 93 level on it. I have alot of bolt-on power adders and with the chip i can chirp 2nd gear. I plan on selling my superchip and gettign their new 4 prograp flip chip. Its only 50 more$ than an apten and cheaper than a flasher

if you have the computer CDE2 you will get a 20hp gain at the wheels and this was dyno proven at apten other codes will also provide a good gain

Well the reason I want a dual chip is that my x is used for work and back also take it 4-5hr trips to the sierras so I would want to save some money on gas.
Spindle- racing ricers I would not waste my time with that.

So where the heck is the computer code? is it right under the kick panel passenger side like most fords are?
I am also thinking about buying a 01 expedition..will the chip work that too

Mileage i usually get about 16-17mpg which is about 300mile/tank.

My computer code was right on the outside of the computer module itself. On a 2000 Sport, that's right on the firewall, passenger side. It's a 4 character alphanumeric code I think.

Your chip should work on other Ford products, BUT you'll need to have it re-burned to use on an Expedition. The chip only works with one car and one computer at a time.

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p.s. Definitely consider a "flasher" too. With a chip you need to remove the computer and do a little prep work to install the chip (involves removing some of the material around the contacts on the computer, not difficult to do, but still...). A flasher will allow you to hook up the unit to your OBD2 port (I believe that's where it hooks up), which is that little computer port just below your steering wheel. Any time you want to switch programs, you'll need the flasher present to load the program, but you don't need to keep it hooked up to the car afterwards. With a chip, you just use the attached remote switch go go back and forth between programs (but the chip stays with the car at all times). The Flasher is more expensive, but a lot of folks swear by it. The constraints inherent with the chip (one vehicle/one computer) are the same for the flasher as well.
