Cle Elum Meet Sept. 9-10 | Page 12 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cle Elum Meet Sept. 9-10

I think I can speak for Jon and myself on this one, no off camber stuff for me.

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Sometimes you don't have a choice, they just happen. I also need to dig up some batteries.

lol well hopefully the trails arent that bad were thats an issue.

;) :eek: ;) there somthing i should know.

moose1 said:
I think I can speak for Jon and myself on this one, no off camber stuff for me.
Have fun in camp :D

I thought this was easy wheeling nothing difficult,

Not to worry Grasshopper. We'll keep you 'hooked up' :thumbsup: :D :hammer:

Easy is boring. Nothing is gained by accomplishing easy. If that was the case, we'd still be living in caves.

yea but im not about to roll my ex,or break anything for that matter.

Phil quite teasing them......

This area is pretty mellow wheeling.......there is off camber, but not near to rollover, at least where I assume Phil is leading y'all, the 304 and 305 are the worst for it,.....not that I ever drove either, but I can walk ;) The 301 and 302 are nice drives and low intensity wheeling with a few spooky areas.....

dreamr said:
with a few spooky areas.....

:D ;) :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: all the way down the side of the mountain. nothing to stop you for 2,000 ft :eek: :eek: My winch cable isn't THAT long :thumbdwn:

moose1 said: there somthing i should know.
You're going up the side of a mountian with a guy that has rolled 2 Explorers, A guy that would rather walk than drive and a guy that drove past THIS :eek: No worries:D :roll:


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I just saw that there is a fire NW of cle Elum,That you should checkout

were can i find info on that ive tried to search

All I have been able to find on internet was this from

One new fire has burned 270 acres about 15 miles northeast of Cle Elum.
To the south, a new lightning-sparked fire burned 200 acres in steep, rugged terrain within the Alpine Lakes Wilderness Area 20 miles northwest of Cle Elum in the central Cascades. Some popular hiking trails were closed because of the Polallie fire, Forest Service spokeswoman Robin DeMario said.

I normally use this site
but it does not have anything on the new fires yet

So im guessing cle elum will probaly be shut down.

Maybe not when we were just up at Evans creek there was the carbon copy fire only 6 miles away and we didn't have any problems me, if the wheelin was any good (aka, difficult or dangerous), I'd find a way out of inventory and be coming.....its just too far for me to drive for 'easy' wheelin' and some camping.

If you guys need, you can borrow my portable mig welder for when the stockers break..... :D

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. I dont know what to think you guys are saying it easy wheeling but than your saying breaking somthing on the stockers and off camber. Breaking and off camber is not easy wheeling.
