Cold air intake? Yes or no? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cold air intake? Yes or no?


December 15, 2010
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'96 E.B.
i was wondering if buying a kit is worth it, or just get a new filter? And also, how much hp would this add if any? Is there a restrictor cone or anything i can take out? Ive heard some Fords have that. Any help would be great, thanks!!

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you have a 96 that has the come filter in the round housing ?

that is the best one of the bunch
you do not need to do anything to it, just use a better quality drop in filter,,
i have the same one and with the scanguage 2 it says that my intake air temps are very low in cold weather, so it cannot be drawing air in from the engine compartment,

Awesome!! That makes me happy. So just.. like a more freeflowing filter?

yep, that is all you need,
although if you could find a spare you could swiss cheese the part in front of the filter to flow more, but it won't get you anything,,

eh.. maybe i'll try it. prolly bout to get a new one. do you know if ignition coil and plug wires are worth buying? Cuz i was thinkin bout getting all that but not to sure if i should

eh.. maybe i'll try it. prolly bout to get a new one. do you know if ignition coil and plug wires are worth buying? Cuz i was thinkin bout getting all that but not to sure if i should

I'd say go with the old saying: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" - As far as the ignition coils go. Plugs and Wires are good if it's been a while since they've been replaced.

i agree, i had about 60,000 miles on my plugs and i changed them , it did wonders,,

As for an air filter go with an Amsoil. It's reusable but it's not an oil type like K&N. You just vacuum it. K&N's when over oiled wreak havoc in your MAS.

Ok so aimsoil air filter, and new spark plugs? Sounds easy. Thanks for replying!!

Also, is there any other suggestions that you may have in order to somewhat "renew" the truck, give it some pep ya know? Im cleaning my MAS tomorrow.

the plugs should make the biggest difference,, after that anything you do get is gravy,

i would also check out the idle air sensor, on the side of the upper intake,,

The sensor right up close to the throttle body?

Yeah. You have the Throttle Position Sensor and the Idle Air Control Valve on the throttle body. The IAC Valve will be the larger of the two.

Which engine do you have?

4.0 i dont know if which version! how do i tell?

If you have a '96, it's the OHV, the SOHC didn't come out until 1997...

yes, 96 is the ohv same as mine,

on the side of the upper intake is an aluminum bolt on with a cylindrical canister on it, and a wire connector,
it looks like this,


  • idle air indent,,.jpg
    idle air indent,,.jpg
    105.4 KB · Views: 258

That picture, thats the Throttle Position Sensor and the Idle Air Control Valve or what?

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idle air control, take the two bolts off and make sure it is nice and clean inside, it will affect idle, mpg, and power output,,
