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Colorado Runs


Elite Dakota
February 25, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Colorado Springs, CO
Well my fellow Coloradans the summer is coming up and I thought it would be a good idea to see what trails everyone wants to run this summer. I would like to run wheeler Lake again, Redcone, I would like to ride along with someone on Holy Cross and some of the more hardcore trails. I will add more trails when I can remember all of them. So what would everyone else like to run this year?

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All of 'em :D

I might not do it, but I'll be damned if I don't try :bounce: :bounce:

so lets do it!!!!I believe since he brought it up Joe will be planning our first run!

Just let me know when it is and I'll be there ;)

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

I'm taking a week off from work in July and hanging out with Heath and his wife. I plan on running atleast Holy Cross while I'm there. If anyone would like to come along or ride along I'd be more then happy to share the front seat.

I'm not sure yet which week I'll be there but I'll keep ya informed. Also while I'm there I'd like to get all you guys out for dinner so we could all meet in person.:)

Hey, you can't give away my co pilot spot for Holy Cross!!!:frustrate :frustrate :frustrate :shoot: :fire: :nono: :mad:

I thought you said you'd rather ride with someone thats not going to roll it. I don't plan to roll it but if I do then I guess I do.

So does that mean you want co-pilot Heath???:confused:

Just got back from doing Carnage and boy has it gotten RUFF!!!
Took a bunch of pictures but when I went to download them they all disapeared. That really SUCKS!!!
Hopefully Jeff or Jane got some good pictures. I can't believe how dry it was up there. We are going to be in for a dry summer.................


I'm ready for a trip to CO:D

I would like ot take the Explorer up Holy Cross, but it has a pending sale going on (I know, I know, we've all heard thi sbefore, LOL). I would however definately ride along as a spotter/photographer. That is one kick ass trail, just make sure the first person that goes up the creek has a winch, and everyone else has tow points :).
Rick, whenever you are ready! If you need an excuse, I'm undertaking a massive light rewiring project in my F-150, you can feel free to come over and hang out! :)

Are there any nice beginner trails for someone with a stock 93 explorer who does 99.95% of his driving on asphalt? Or should I sell it and buy one of those spiffy Azteks?


Originally posted by mjordan
Are there any nice beginner trails for someone with a stock 93 explorer who does 99.95% of his driving on asphalt? Or should I sell it and buy one of those spiffy Azteks?


MJ, Next time you go to the bookstore (or if your like me, this is an excuse to actually go to one) pick up a copy of Charles Wells' "Guide to Colorado Backroads & 4-Wheel Drive Trails." There are two edditions, the frist covers the aera south of I-70 and west of I-25, the second covers the eastern part of the state. Both books are loaded with trail info for everything from scenic dirt roads to the hardcore big dog trails. They are well worth the money.

Finally got some pctures from Jane so I finally got them scanned.
Who says Jeeps and Explorer's can't have fun together on the trails.............................!!!!!!



  • small front view parked on rock.jpg
    small front view parked on rock.jpg
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It doesn't matter what kind of vehicle I wheel with I'm just out to have fun.


  • small david and i parked on rock.jpg
    small david and i parked on rock.jpg
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MJ - Welcome to another fellow Littleton-er! :D To answer your question, there are plenty of trails for all kinds of off-roaders.

The suggestion to pick up the Charles Wells book(s): Dead Link Removed Dead Link Removed is a great one - they're about the best written trail guides I've ever used.

Stick around and come along on a run when one is organized - probably in the next few weeks. Fortunately, we have a great group of people to wheel with here in Colorado! :)

mjordan, here are some sources for trails. . .

Dead Link Removed
Dead Link Removed

This one is for beginners trails in colorado

this is a great one, has many states but you can set it up to search on colorado, counties, trail difficulties. I use this one a lot.

Check out my page to see some of the areas I go to.

Dead Link Removed

There are many easy trails in the Denver ares, up out of Central City is one that crosses from there over to St Marys glacier, bout a 3 rating. We are doing that this weekend, Apr 27,2002.
Also, there is a nice area in the area of Rampart Range road that I like to do. It is about 20 miles long, and rates a 3/4.

I go mostly for the views and a good challenge, do not have to break my daily driver.

Email me if your interested in going out sometime, I am local in Centennial and have many trips planned this year. But if you email, make the subject real clear and/or related to the board as I am an avid spam deleater!

Also, I use the book by Peter Massey called 4WD Adventures. You can get it at Wilderness Offroad which is down by Broadway and Mineral, near the Marie Calenders but east of it and it is in the same complex that has Keller Bro's Auto Repair and the Famrcrest Milk store. I normally do not shop there, but have seen it at that place. It has many many trails that a stocker can access and rates it as to difficulty and sceinic value. A stocker can get over at least a class 3/4 trail. My main mod is the 31 inch tires, cant see spending $2-3,000 for the little time I go off-road.
