Converting AWD to 2WD | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Converting AWD to 2WD


June 6, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Melbourne Victoria Australia
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 XLT
hey everyone how are we..

i was searching on the forum about the conversion but i could never find one clear enough..

i live in Australia where Explorers only come in AWD which reallly P's me off as i want to make it low as possible.. i went to get quoted for an airbag setup and was told that there is no way i can airbag it without taking out the 4wd system..

so my quesiton is..

what parts are exactly needed for me to change from a 4wd to a 2wd!

if anyone has references for me to look at or anytihng to read i do not mind..

ultimately i was thinking about sening over a whole front end of a exploer or even a 2wd from an older modle but im clueless to what to do can anyone help me!!!

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :D :D :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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Well, do you want to just remove the front diff, driveshaft, axles, etc to make it 2wd up front, or do you want to completely go 2wd (remove t-case, get a 2wd transmission, etc)? For dropping it you should just be able to remove the stuff in the front end and swap in 2wd stuff. I know that on the 91-94s the t-case does hang down a slight bit below the frame, so that would be an issue if you were trying to lay frame (your's is probably a little below the frame too). I'm not sure exactly what all needs to be replaced to just have a 2wd front suspension, but there are a few people on here that have done the conversion.

ok well i own a not sure as wther or not id have to take out the rear 4wd setup to make it lay out..i cant find any threads relating to the conversion..can anyone point me in the direction or link me!

If you have a V-8 with AWD, you will need the front suspension components, as well as the drivetrain swapped. At the very least, you will need to remove the transfer case, and substitute the proper tail housing, which (IIRC) will also necessitate dismantling the transmission to replace the tailshaft, you'll need the proper rear driveshaft, front spindles to replace your hubs, and then you can yank the front driveline out.

If you have the control-trac, you can leave the transfer case in place, just swap out the front spindles and yank the front drivetrain.

Why on earth anyone would want to go through all the effort instead of just buying a 2wd to start with is beyond me.


hey thanks heaps joe..

if you read my 1st threas im from AUSTRALIA..we dont have 2wd explorers here...i dont know what mine is all i know is its a 98 explorer XLT do i distuingish it from the others?

[XPLORA] said:
hey thanks heaps joe..

if you read my 1st threas im from AUSTRALIA..we dont have 2wd explorers here...i dont know what mine is all i know is its a 98 explorer XLT do i distuingish it from the others?

Lay down underneath it and look at the labels on the transfer case hanging off the back of the transmission. On the front of the case, there's usually a sticker that lists it as a Borg-Warner 44-05 or a 44-06. That'll tell us for sure.

Also, if you can select low range from a switch on the dash, it's a 44-05. If it's a manual transfer case with a lever on the floor, it's likely a 13-54 or some other export-only case, but I wouldn't know for sure.


ok wil ltkae pictures for you...

OK, that would be the Control-Trac Automatic 4-wheel drive system from teh Borg-Warner 44-05 transfer case. Go ahead and yank the front shaft, replace the spindles with 2wd spindles, or separate the outer CV joint from the rest of the halfshaft (the outer joint holds the wheel bearing together, so you either need to retain the outer joint on the 4wd hubs, or replace the entire spindle with a 2wd part). Also, if you replace the spindles with 2wd parts, you'll need the brake rotors and possibly the caliper anchor plates. Calipers should be the same.


I have a 2000 V8 AWD, not selectable with the switch on the dash. Can I remove the front driveline for 2wd or will it mess stuff up? Just moved from WY to TX and I wont need 4wd plus the gas mileage sucks.

:chug: G'day mate get on the piss VB of corse put Rude on the squak box and tear into the bastered good luck mate, go the eels!

A guy I know that works for ford said an engineer told them not to disconnect the front shaft because it may do damage to the internals when diagnosing, but I have heard lots of people doing it, maybe its like the limited slip diff, sure you can have two different tire sizes, but the clutch packs will burn up sooner or later

Syclone, you would have to remove the transfer case along with the front diff, axle shafts & replace the AWD spindles with 2wd spindles.

Dan Whitaker said:
Syclone, you would have to remove the transfer case along with the front diff, axle shafts & replace the AWD spindles with 2wd spindles.

also need to swap the trans output shaft and housing to 2wd (tail shaft)

Syclone613 said:
I have a 2000 V8 AWD, not selectable with the switch on the dash. Can I remove the front driveline for 2wd or will it mess stuff up? Just moved from WY to TX and I wont need 4wd plus the gas mileage sucks.


You will not see any mileage gains anyways as the whole front driveline still needs to turn as it's solidly splined to the front wheels. Additionally, you will no longer be able to park on an incline without setting the parking brake, and you fuel economy will stink until the transfer case frys itself and locks up solid from the constant slipping.

Do not remove the front shaft if you have AWD. If you have automatic 4wd (aka A4WD or a switch on the dash) you can remove the front shaft, but again, there is no significant performance advantage.

Do what i did andd swap an 2hi, 4hi 4lo transfer case from an f-150 into your truck.

[QUOTE='97 V8]Do what i did andd swap an 2hi, 4hi 4lo transfer case from an f-150 into your truck.[/QUOTE]

wtf you drove your truck all the way up here for school :eek:
