Could you by pass PATS with a older PCM? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Could you by pass PATS with a older PCM?


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
I was thinking...could you by pass the PATS system and run a say 95-97 SOHC PCM in my 2000 to eliminate the PATS. Not worried about the Trans. This would enable you to run a C4 then....or would you still need a manual PCM.

Thoughts please:)

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you would still need a manual pcm. I think the easiest option is to talk to James Henson about getting a tune, he could disable pats for you and remove the transmission functions so that the computer won't care about the transmission.

problem is I have this good 2wd trans, and it does me no good for a 4x4. So I'm trying to see what my options are...Put in a 4wd trans (anyone want to trade? :D), or go the C4 route. It would be nice however to take the whole PATS issue out of the equation.

I think you might have an issue with the fuel system. I tried my 00 v8 computer in my 98 v8 and it wouldn't start. They switched from return to return less style fuel setup in late 98. I don't think it was a pats issue either because the theft light never did anything crazy.

'97, being the only SOHC without PATS, has a variable length intake runner system. Without the 97 intake you may set a check engine light.

You will also set codes for the trans solenoids not being there.

You shouldnt have any problem with the fuel system being return or returnless.

I would think a custom tune on your current PCM to eliminate PATS and the trans functions would be the best solution.
