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Cowl Hood Picture


Well-Known Member
November 13, 2002
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1994 XLT
I just wanted to share this picture of the cowl hood on a Mountaineer. My customer just had his truck painted. This hood is now available from Explorer Express.

Cowl Hood $425 + shipping & prep/paint


  • mountaineer hood pic web.jpg
    mountaineer hood pic web.jpg
    30.7 KB · Views: 4,102

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wow that looks really nice..........

these will not work on a 1st gen tho?? right ??


I like your customer's taste!!! That is the type of street X I love! Is he/she a member here? Or familiar with the site?

Man that is a great looking hood. I would get one but it's just a little too much money for me right now.

Holy Moly!! :eek: That looks great. I'd get one, but I'm putting my 83 mustang blister on next week :bounce:

is that the saleen side skirts?

looks nice. after my new wheels i'll have to decide between that or a shot of nox. wait a minute, no i won't. maybe after the 100 shot i'll think about it.

btw- does anyone know what kind of wheels those are?

John V- i know you sell the cobra R's in 17 by 9 with with a 24mm backspacing correct? how wide of a tire have you put on there?

i am strongly considering the saleen 18s in white in the 18 by 9 (24 mm) up front and the 18 by 10s (22mm) in the rear and i want to know just how wide i can go in the rear with that backspacing. i'd be willing to modify the rear wheel well a little if i could fit some 305s or so back there. i'm pretty sure 285 will fit with no modifications. i just thought you might have a little more experience that most of us.

the reason i asked about those wheels is because i hate wheels that have the blingy look to them and those do not. something like that in 20" might work for me.

sorry for stealing the thread a little, hopefully it can continue on and ignore my random non-related comments for the most part

Drew, you're all wheel drive. Playing with 2 different rim sizes is like playing with fire.

It shouldnt matter if he has different tire widths front and back, as long as the outside radius of the tires are the same front and back...I think...

Originally posted by VairKing
It shouldnt matter if he has different tire widths front and back, as long as the outside radius of the tires are the same front and back...I think...

I'm with you. As long as the outer diameter is the same the width shouldn't matter.

John V, can you please post some pics of that hood as it would be shipped?

Thanks in advance.....

Originally posted by Black Magic
I'm with you. As long as the outer diameter is the same the width shouldn't matter.

I may be wrong by relaing this to street tires but on off-road and balloon/ low-pressure tires when you increase the section width which happens when you increase the wheel width you decrease the diameter of the tire and vice versa. It's simple geometry (A=LW) there is only so much are in the cross section of a tire if you increase its length its width decreases due to the area remaining constant.

Originally posted by MuddLover
I may be wrong by relaing this to street tires but on off-road and balloon/ low-pressure tires when you increase the section width which happens when you increase the wheel width you decrease the diameter of the tire and vice versa. It's simple geometry (A=LW) there is only so much are in the cross section of a tire if you increase its length its width decreases due to the area remaining constant.
Thats exactly what I was thinking but was unsure how to describe it.

BTW, sorry for getting the thread off topic.

my understanding is that it is fine so long as i am withing a couple percent.

i'd be running 255/55/18s on the front which are 91.2 inches in circumferene and then either 305/45/18s which are 90.5 inches in circumference or 285/50/18s which are 91.8 inches in circumference.

by my calculations the 305s and 255s are only 1.007% different from each other while the 285s and 255s are 1.007% different as well. i don't think that 1% difference would be a problem. if it would then you could never replace just one tire if it blew or anything like that without causing damage.

if there is something i'm missing let me know, but i'm virtually certain i'm spot on here.

the big question remains though- will the 305s fit?

Wheels or Hoods......It's all GOOD!

This hood does only fit a gen 2 X or Mountaineer. The gen 1 hood is common with the early Ranger and there should be plenty of options out there.

I agree Hartman, this hood would look great on your black Explorer. I should be able to get these for a while.

The owner of the Moutaineer is familar to this site. He found the Saleen side skirts on E-Bay. He was thinking about the Saleen bumper cover conversion, but did not want to pay the $500 asking price on E-Bay!

Here are some more pics of the hood!


  • cowl hood pictures 2 web.jpg
    cowl hood pictures 2 web.jpg
    14.9 KB · Views: 1,505

Here is another. Appears to have very good details.


  • cowl hood picture 1 web.jpg
    cowl hood picture 1 web.jpg
    18.4 KB · Views: 1,078

Here is one more!


  • cowl hood web 3.jpg
    cowl hood web 3.jpg
    15 KB · Views: 1,082

John, is the rear vent open? Screened?


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