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Custom Intake Write Up

Go buy a $150+ scanner just so you can read the IAT and come back here and report it.:rolleyes:

Better yet, just ignore the IAT and consider it a job well done!!:D

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yea id say you did something right.. im intrigued mostly because i dont have the $$$ to spend a few hundred for a few extra HP...
That was the whole idea.

Originally posted by ipozestu
al I have the ODB II. I'm don't know how to do that. I guess I'll have to dive into the manual.

What scanner do you have?

Crap I can't remember the name of it... It is orange with purple buttons... Now I really sound like an idiot.LOL

5min later.....
I think it is an Actron.?.?

Better yet, just ignore the IAT and consider it a job well done!!

I have to agree with you Robb. This isn't a CAI so the temp isn't really relevant. And it's starting to get off the topic of the thread.:D

IPO.. I amazed with the craftsmanship (is that a word?) of your intake. I think you have great potential in the aftermarket. SEMA, here comes IPO... I'm sooo going to try making one this weekend :D

Hokie thanks for the props. SEMA well that might be questionable, but I try. Let me know if you have any questions. Good luck. Hope it turns out well. I'll see if I can get you some info on the grommets that I used. I figured that this will be a question a few of you may have.

Mighty fine project you made there IPO. Both the intake and the write up.

Anybody made one of these for a gen 1? I am curious about the lines that run out of the factory box. I have seen most people who just put a KKM plug one or the other up, but I dont remember which, and it would make me happier if they were left operational.

What are the gen 1 folks options as far as the battery being in the way? Can we put it where the old airbox was or just have to add an additional bend to aim it back at the fusebox as akcrogers pointed out?

Thanks for the motivational achievement.

Taking it to the old school post!

got the necessary equipment to do this conversion, the only problems i'm running into are the following. The 1993 XLT came with the air box that did not have a lip on the other end, and there for I'm trying to find out how I would connect a cone filter to it.

Also I don't know how I would go about connecting the line to the manifold/ PVC piping it self.... beyond that i'm golden I can make an intake for the car.

What line is it you are talking about? Are you refering to crank case vac line? lastly are you talking about connecting th MAF sensor to the cone filter. I just can't paint the picture in my head.

the oil sump line/hose, i want to know how to adapt it to the PVC tubing

Refer to section 5 in the write up. Try to match the nipple on the hose with the proper size drill bit. The grommet that I used was a lucky find. Head to the auto parts store. There are many different types of things that you can use. Bring the hose with you. I used a PCV rubber grommet for GM vehicle. Just see what you can find.

will they be able to attach it for me there? I would really hate to mess it up, because it's coming along very well. Also you wouldn't happen to know which adapter to use for the Stock MAF sensor. I really need to know so i can finish it up, ran into that problem unexpectedly

just to let everyone know i did this on my 98 sport SOHC i had to do some changes so that it would fit in my engine bay and if there is interest i can make a little write up

Niiiccceee. Thats a sweet lookin intake! I like it just as much as a chrome one lol! StrongerThanDef, did you ever get yours to work out? Do you have or know of someone who has a write-up? I wouldnt mind getting a few more horses by smoothing everything out.
