Desert run 10/12/02 | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Desert run 10/12/02

The toughest part of Cleghorn rd was the last section as you head towards Hwy 134 but thats mainly because
I wasnt aired down. We had a Jeep TJ with us with no lift and stock tires, not even 31 inch tires at that so you
guys with even minor mods will do just fine. If we all decide on the Cleghorn rd trail, it should only last us half the day so if there's another trail close by we can run afterwards maybe we can fit that in too. Just something to think about.

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I'm there with you guys, like I said I just want to get off-road for a day. I'm sure we can find something a little more challenging if we want, after we do Cleghorn rd.

Those darned 'V' notches!

Those darned 'V' notches really gave me a scare on the 1st run. I'll be full of machismo when I'm with everyone out there...I've got to show who the real Desert Outlaw really is!:p

where are you going?

I'd like to join you for a local run. I just haven't figured out exactly where from the threads... You say near 29 Palms?



"Cleghorn rd which is right off the 15 going through the Cajon pass. Its basicly a fire road all the way through but there's trails that splinter off the fire road that always link back on that road so you can bypass any trail that you don't feel comfortable with. The trail ends up on hwy 134 near Silverwood lake

I couldn't have said it better myself Bob...heh heh

You did such a fine job explaning where the trail was and how to get there. That I knew couldn't do any better so I ripped you off.
At least I did use quotation marks ;)

But just to be sure is there an off ramp for Cleghorn rd? and if so where about's is it? Near the Silverwood Lake turn off?


Any other ideas on coming together for good trail driving and off-road count me in!!!! I would personally like to see something develop toward the Imperial dunes area? A little sand never hurt anyone?

Thanks Bob, I was just kidding with ya about that post...heh heh. As far as Cleghorn rd. goes, thats the actual name of the off-ramp from I-15 so you can't miss it. There's a great staging area where the gate is that leads to the trails so its nice and simple for everyone to find. As far as the Silverwood side (Hwy 134) I don't remember if there was a sign or not because we jumped right on the hwy then went on into Big Bear.


A good meeting place is near the Cleghorn off ramp. It's the Mc Donalds on the east side of the I-15 fwy...

You cant fool me just wanna grub some egg

Forest Closure due to Fire Season

We all better check with the forestry officials about the Cleghorn Ridge area. I believe this will be closed due to Fire Season on Friday at noon.


Ken I just called the forest service and they said because of extreme fire hazard all remote recreational areas will be closed in the San Bernadino Mountian range the offcial closing will be tomorrow and this does include the "Cleghorn Ridge area".
We still have plenty of time to come up with something, and I know Ken has a library of books showing off-road areas, and I'm sure a few of do too. So whoever has someting in mind please through it out there and get back on track.

Good going Ken, I'm really glad you heard something about the possibility of the Cleghorn Ridge area closing.

FYI we had a real light snow yesterday morning. Ther was frost all over the place, and Popcorn snow coming down. It has been in the low 30's the last few nights, but is supposed to warm up in the next couple of day's

Originally posted by Big Bear Bob
FYI we had a real light snow yesterday morning. Ther was frost all over the place, and Popcorn snow coming down. It has been in the low 30's the last few nights, but is supposed to warm up in the next couple of day's

HELL YES!!! SSSNNNNNOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! ITS HERE AT LAST :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Unrelated item...

Sorry to post this here but I noticed a few guys on this post run 33x12.5 tires and I have tire chains that fit them. They have never been used and they come with
the adjusters. Let me know if your interested and we'll
talk price...thanks.

Email me at:

I know, but you gotta have em sometimes when your trying to get to the slopes in Big Bear even though you have 4wd.

not if its going to be like it has been the last couple years, but hopefully it will shape up to be the year its been said it will be and well have some awesome snow. BTW, you all know this but even when there is some snow on the ground (unless its a ton) you dont need chains if you got 4wd.

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well w/ your tires chris, it doesn't matter how muchsnow there is. lol. as long as it isn't ice. i hate ice.
