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diesel oil


Elite Exploder
December 27, 2000
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2001, F150, XLT 4x4
what is the api spec required for out trucks? i would like to run a diesel oil in my truck. i dont do the whole synthetic thing, and diesel oil is usually available cheaper and in larger quantities. 15-40 works for me....


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why not?

it is cheap, readily available, going into my truck with a bit of mileage. i have heard diesel oil has a higher detergent content, i am ok with that, it is still oil, its not liek its going to be alcohol or something. its in a weight i can live with, if i dont run it, i will probably end up running a 20-50 weight

if you are going to run diesel oil i would be running a 5w 40 oil because unless you are burning oil there is really no reason to run it.

i wnat the heavier weight, truck is old, has 208k, its loud, and i wnat the extra cushion of a thicker oil

what is the api service designation of the explorers?

what kind of truck is it jimbo

Rotella T is great stuff, a lot of the dirtbike communty is now running it in all their bikes. I run the full syn. in all 3 of my 4-strokes, and ran it in my GSXR before i sold it. Good oil is very important in motorcycles, since they see a lot more dirt, water, and mud and rev to 10,000 + rpms most of the time. It`s as good as the top brands but a whole lot cheaper.

I`ve been thinking about running the full syn. in all my cars, but at $16 a gallon for the Rottella, good ol` Castrol is a lot cheaper.

Here is a list of all of the API service designations, current and obsolete.

Looks like you '84 yota would have been running SE, so anything more current than that should get the job done, including 15w-40 Rotella.

SM Current For all automotive engines presently in
use. Introduced in the API service
symbol in November 2004
SL Current For all automotive engines presently in
use. Introduced in
the API service symbol in 1998
SJ Still current, nearly obsolete For all automotive engines presently in
use. Introduced in the API service
symbol in 1996
SH Obsolete For model year 1996 and older engines.
SG Obsolete For model year 1993 and older engines.
SF Obsolete For model year 1988 and older engines.
SE Obsolete For model year 1979 and older engines.
SD Obsolete For model year 1971 and older engines.
SC Obsolete For model year 1967 and older engines.
SB Obsolete For older engines. Use this only when
specifically recommended by the
SA Obsolete For much older engines. with no
performance requirement. Use this only
when specifically recommended by the

I'm feeding my PowerStroke Chevron's Delo-400 15w40


Lowered anti-wear additives in SM rated oils.....

Many folks are going to diesel rated oils because of lowered ZDDP and phosphorus levels in the newer SM API rated oils. These are anti-wear additives that have been lowered from about 1200 ppm in the older SL rated oils, to about 800 ppm in the SM oils.

These anti-wear additives are especially needed for engines with flat tappet valve trains, and diesel oils still have the higher levels.

the 208k i was talking about is in my 96 ford explorer.... i plan on using the same oil in my toyota as well.... that oil i pictured above is 2.5 gallons and is like 10-15$ at walmart......

i am not interested in synthetics on either of my engines, they are old

just swap a 6.0l diesel ford. Bio-diesel is always an idea, I would out a diesel in my car if I could shoehorn it in....

iwould never swap in a 6.0l psd, they are crap compared to the 7.3s

the rotella above,says cj-4, cj-4 plus, sm, it says others, but i cant tell what they are.....

it does say sm, so by that class, it looks good to go... no problems.... sweet :) ima run it in both my trucks, possibly my parents ford ranger too, its got like 150k on it

iwould never swap in a 6.0l psd, they are crap compared to the 7.3s

the rotella above,says cj-4, cj-4 plus, sm, it says others, but i cant tell what they are.....

it does say sm, so by that class, it looks good to go... no problems.... sweet :) ima run it in both my trucks, possibly my parents ford ranger too, its got like 150k on it

Run it without fear, it would be a great oil in any of those applications. :thumbsup:
