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Dirty Jersey Off-Road

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just got back from my vacation,,i couldnt find a decent explorer,every single explorer i looked at had alot of problems,stuff i woulda had to put alot of money into,so i found a jeep for the time being,its a 95 jeep cherokee 4.0 h.o v6 4x4,and if i decide to keep it,atleast i dont have to do a s.a.s....it has one already..just need a lift and some 33"s

am i still allowed to be in djor bein i have this???i know..its not what i wanted,,but price was right,and it runs great,and it was actually inspected unlike every other suv i looked at that wasnt inspected or had something wrong with the drive train or cooling system


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ha ha.. i was gonna tell you about a 1st gen exploder on 33s for sale by me.. but nvm.. i not sure how much they want really i didnt get a good enough look.. was driving y too fast to tell... o well.. its kewl tho, u gotta do a lotta lift to those to get them up tho, but looks pretty clean

So how does one get into/get into contact with some of you Dirty Jersey guys? I live in Mays Landing, southern Jersey. My '94 XLT is stock as it is right now ('cept for it's headunit), but that doesnt mean I dont love getting dirty with it.

DirtyJerseyOffRoad.com :D

Well folks looks like i may be coming back to the ol JERSEY for a few months soon. Hope to get to meet some of ya and get dirty if the truck is fixed by then :( :(. Will keep ya's updated ;) ;)

Okay, an update on DJOR:

  1. I sold the Explorer and bought a '97 F-150. You will not be seeing me at runs for a very long time.
  2. We are now 32 members strong. The latest entries are Spas and one Mike T with a '93 Limited.
  3. I canceled the BBQ because alot of stuff came up as well as the sale of the X.
  4. I will continue to act as your webmaster but I don't know for how much longer. Maybe New Year's or a few months into 2009. I honestly don't know.



Well this sucks.

hey yall... just fyi matts got the troopa back on the road.... if anyone cares to know the story ill share it.. otherwise i wont bore the lot of you.... but itll be good for wharton trips within the next month or so

mustang andy That is a nice looking bumper!

ok well then this is for you jay...
well after i guess its been what 3 months thats its been off the road.. pretty much right after our clean up run she took a shyt... so he finally had the time to tear her apart... after thrying many diffrent quick fixers like runing 15-40 oil and non detergen oil to try and fix the lack of compression.. he decided that he just had to tear it apart... so he took the whole top end apart and found thst one of his valves had a chip in it... about a half an ince maybe a little less in diameter... so there was the problem.... so he got all new valves gaskets and some other misc parts and rebuilt the top end.... he alse deleted most of the bs vacuu lines... so while waiting for the parts we taped it up and painted the truck od green... rubberized the floor... and cleaned up the engine bay... so he put it all back together and it was good for a few days.. then it was stalling.. so he straitened out some of the missed vacuum lines and now she runs like a top... she smokes a little sometimes but w/e thats no biggie... so the next plan is to save up and buy the 4" (i think) calmini lift and new tires.. still undecided about size, either 33s or 35s not sure.. but he is gonna go with this company my buddy found that sells agressive retreds with a 40k garuntee!!! but i think they go up to 33s and anove 37s theres nothing inbetween but w/e its shweet... so its all well n good now and back on the road (thank god cuz my sploder is about to blow up.. well ok really i need upper and lower intakes but im too broke for now so its gonna have to manage for now!)

and on another note.. im kinda upset with the group (not all in it) but ppl are selling tier trucks and replacing them with non wheelers.. or just not wanting to wheel anyore.. it kinda irritates e that some ppl are treating this like some sort of phase that they are getting out of... =( wheres all the enthusiasm every one had when i joined???

well good that the suzu is back on the road
sucks that your trucks havin issues tho

i can only speak for myself, but if you watch my thread theres some ramble on the trials and tribulations of my life and why my junks still off its wheels

if i do anything involving wheeling its gonna be fix my junk and i just dont have the time and energy lately, so thats why i havent been around to play.

Personally, I'm taking an extended offroad break because I just had to dump $1,000+ into my truck for it to pass inspection. I'm 3 months into a new job and new apartment and i cannot afford to keep repairing my rig. My 4wd is busted and I won't be getting that fixed anytime soon, either. I commute 40+ miles a day with the truck, and I really need to know I can count on it right now...

Personally, I'm taking an extended offroad break because I just had to dump $1,000+ into my truck for it to pass inspection. I'm 3 months into a new job and new apartment and i cannot afford to keep repairing my rig. My 4wd is busted and I won't be getting that fixed anytime soon, either. I commute 40+ miles a day with the truck, and I really need to know I can count on it right now...

If you ever need a hand with repairs, let me know, I'd be more than happy to help out and get to crawl under and explorer again...

Thanks Dan, appreciate it. I wish i could have done these recent repairs myself, but I didn't have time as I needed to get it through inspection ASAP, so i had to bend over and let the shop do the job. :(

i understand everyone is going thru rough times right now.. as am i... and i didnr mean to sound like an a hole.. reading back now i see thats how it sounds.. but i duno im just a little upset that its all falling apart so quickly u kno..

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nothing can be done.... only time will tell.....

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