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Discount tire reviews explorer policy

Interesting phone call today!!! But first the history.

I recently installed a 3" BL on top of my 2" suspension lift. This put me in the market for 33's. I have a set in the garage, but they are not what I want, and they are 13.5" wide which just causes to many rubbing issues for me to trim away. How do you cut the chassis itself :eek:

Any way I am not a fan of Les Scwab's Open Country tires, so I was left with few options I like. After calling and running all over town I found that only 2 chains were willing to install 33's on an explorer regardless of lift. Sears wanted a huge amount of cash for tires, and as I said Les Scwab has no tire that interests me. After getting rejected too many times I called Discount Tire. The guy I talked to agreed to fit the tires for me after a bit of haggling and placing a special order. But, when I get there the manager meets me at the door and refuses to serve me. I was a bit pissed and drug him out to the parking lot to demonstrate the amount of room I had for tires (really I wanted to show him the room under them :D ). He didn't care and asked me to leave. I went back in and rolled my 5 BFG M/t's up to the counter and got out my wallet. The manager came running and refused to even sell me the tires knowing that I would have a small local shop mount them for me.

At this point I was seeing red, mainly due to his rude manner :D. I came home and ranted for a while then sent the corporate office a complaint (this was Monday Night)
Today I get a call from Doug who claimed to be the vice president of quality control for the Pac West region. He was very apologetic, and confirmed that this was the policy for 91-94 Explorers, however not for the second or third generation trucks. We had a long discussion regarding the Firestone lawsuits, and the changes that have been made to the Explorer through it's different generations. In the end of this thirty minute chat he agreed that since the lift kits are available on the market they should not discriminate on tires.

He left me with a promise to research the reasons behind all of this hoopla, and to do his best to convince corporate offices of the need for this policy change. In addition to this he has contacted the store I visited and informed them that they would install my tires for me with no questions, and furthermeor that they would be doing the same for all explorers 95 and up. He said he can't change the ruling on first gen explorers without further research, but will get back to me.

I expect to be denied at places like this, but to get told yes then turned away after special ordering the tires was just too much. Hopefully this will actually go somewhere, and we can all get tires at Discount tire if we choose to.

Now my personal debate is should I go back to the store and rub it in there face, or should I say screw them and order my tires from tire rack for my "f-250 superduty"

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glfredrick said:
Otherwise, it sounds like Seattle is living up to its yuppie liberal perspective - all coffee and no action. Here in Louisville, they would wait in line to sell you tires - anywhere...

Lol ain't that the sick truth. I believe myself to be very liberal, but some stuff just doesn't make sense to me. Possibly it is the country raised aspect of my nature, but whatever it is I am moving further out untill I find a quiet little nich of the PNW where people can still think for themselves.

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dreamr said:
Lol ain't that the sick truth. I believe myself to be very liberal, but some stuff just doesn't make sense to me. Possibly it is the country raised aspect of my nature, but whatever it is I am moving further out untill I find a quiet little nich of the PNW where people can still think for themselves.

Yeah - not to stir up a political debate, but when those that especially espouse "free thinking" as one of their platforms, but then crack down on any thinking (or action) that doesn't fit their social mode, is it really free thinking and freedom of action? I'm more a libertarian in that respect - be it liberal or conservative - I'd rather just make up my own mind...

When "they" start telling "us" what tires we can run on our trucks either "they" or "we" have to go... I chose we becasue it is too hard to fight against the status quo of the system. :D

Good luck on your move.

Well of course I have never recieved a call back, and today I toted my rims into the first Discount tire I visited that gave me the concerns. I had been assured that they would mount them on the truck by the quality control guy. I figured better safe than sorry so a buddy and I hauled them in in his four-runner.

They denied me!!!!!! Basicly flat out told me they didn't need or want my buisiness. Guess they don't like people calling their corporate office and getting them in trouble. Too bad they remembered me :D

I headed up north tp the Lynwood store. They have to order the tires in for me, so it will be about 5 days. When they asked what it was going on I told them my trail rig ;) . He asked what that was and I just said pieces of many vehicles and lots of tube. Apparently that is acceptable, and they'll mount the tires on the rims for me.

Not too bad a deal. 750 out the door for 5-33" BFG M/T's mounted, balanced, with road hazard. In addition he offered me a 150 trade in on my current set of 30X9.50's. The spare has never seen the ground, and the other four only have a years use.

Overall I guess it pays to lie. :rolleyes:

It's sad that they put you in the position of having to lie - it would have just been better all around if they let the OWNER of the vehicle do what he/she thought best...

But of course, some lawyer stands at the ready to sue the pants off of anyone that has the guts to swim upstream...

Go Torte Reform!
