do i have to regear ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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do i have to regear ?


Well-Known Member
January 10, 2013
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City, State
Essington, pa
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 ST 5" lift and 33s
after my birthday and christmas i was thinking of putting my bodylift on and buy 33s do you think i would have to regear to 4.56s

my stock gear now is 4.10 ls

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You don't have to but it would help the motor and trans greatly with all the hills and mountains we have in Pa. and if you offroad at all. If I wasn't doing a SAS I would've swapped out my 4.10's for 4.56's long ago.

You should be OK with 4.10 and 33s. It will be better for highway milage, but worse for acceleration performance. You can compensate for the tire size by adding an aftermarket cold air intake and a catback exhaust.

Best mods for the trac full random tech y pipe, random tech high flow, SCT XCal3, re-gear

I ran 35s with 4.10s for almost a year before regearing with my SAS. Offtrac still runs 4.10s with his. 4.10s and 33s would be a lot like driving on stock tires and 3.73s IIRC. I'd say save your money for now and see how you like it. Know that it won't be quick by any means but like it was said earlier it will help you out with hwy mpg's.

Ok thanks for the input guys yea I don't wanna get a CAI because I go mudding a lot so I'm building a snorkel out of PVC

And rebel we don't have much hills on the east coast of pa mostly flat

Yea I'm not worried about quickness( it's a truck not a sport car ) lol and I would love to get better gas mileage

4.10 and 35s isn't as awful as some make it out to be. I only wish I had lower gears when climbing steep hills off road. I do drive less than ten miles a day though. 33s shouldn't be so terrible, imo.

Like Jerry, I'll regear when I re-axle.

I though I was going to regear but I too plan to run 4.56 when I roll re-axle. I actually have 4.56 g2 gears for the factory dana 35 and ford 8.8. But I got 44's front and rear from a 76 wagoner.

Sell the Dana 35 gears on here or return them to get the set for the D44. Plenty of members will be all over the 4.56's for the D35.

Yeh if not the tracs the second gens like them too... Honestly I would sell both 4.56 sets I got for the front and rear then run the stock 4.10 dana 44's till I can re gear and up size tires

4.56's would put the rpm vs. mph close to what you had with stock tires and 4.10's. You can live with 4.10's but if you want to go mudding a lot then you'll be happier with 4.56's.
On my old '05 Trac I had 3.73's and a TT/shackle lift with 32" tires, mpg was worse not better (and yes I was counting for speedometer error), and off-roading in 4-Hi was out of the question. 4-Low and holding the automatic in second gear worked well 99% of the time.

I second Johnny's comment as his setup is the same as mine now and I'm lucky to see 18 MPG highway that's drafting reefer rigs and going no faster than 70. Re gear is critical if you want to maintain the same performance as stock. If I wasn't openly thinking about a solid axle swap swap I planed to run 4.56 with 265/75R16 this put my gear ratio comparable to a 4.27 stock so gear it it's the best option

How much will a set of 4.56s set me back $ wise

I got mine for around 400 USD that is just gears then it's another 180 USD for the complete rebuild kits needed plus a dial indicator is needed for measuring that's a 25 USD tool at harbor freight and that's doing it yourself. Expect around 500 in labor to get them done and the labor is modest since the 35 up front needs to be removed before being geared

That's why I changed paths on re gearing stock axles I can go dana 44's front and rear for 350 with 4.10 gearing. I get lift (5-6") less component failure can run larger tires and the stock 8.8" rear I can sell to a jeeper easily and the gears are an easy sale too. So what I spend in part can be off set in sales and I'll end up with a much more reliable built truck

If you have a shop do it, expect to drop around a grand or so for the parts and labor. My friend had to have his F350 regeared and it ran him 1200 I think, granted thats with a Sterling rear axle not the small (in comparison) 8.8.

ok thanks guys i think im going to do like what dakota said and buy some axles for an sas in the future and just stick with my 4.10s and maybe 35s ? what do you think 33s or 35s ? its my daily driver 52 miles a day to work and my play toy on some weekend usally sits on the weekend if not on the trails

ok thanks guys i think im going to do like what dakota said and buy some axles for an sas in the future and just stick with my 4.10s and maybe 35s ? what do you think 33s or 35s ? its my daily driver 52 miles a day to work and my play toy on some weekend usally sits on the weekend if not on the trails

With that much driving, 33s. I get away with 35s because I normally don't put 50 miles/wk on my truck.

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Yeah, I would suggest 33's if you drive it that much on and it's only a sometimes weekend toy.
