Door Lock Beep? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Door Lock Beep?


November 15, 2017
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2013 XLT
I like audible feedback when I lock and unlock my doors, but I have close neighbors so I don't let the horn honk.

Years ago, on my 99 Maxima I found the relay that activated the corner lights on door lock and unlock. I added another relay and a piezo sounder that would beep when the lights flashed.

I would love to add a sounder to my Expo, anyone have any idea where the light flash relay is located?

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If you are referring to a physical flasher relay for turn signals or 4- ways, there isn't one. In reading a couple threads, it appears the flashing is controlled by the BCM.
Turn signal flasher relay


I like audible feedback when I lock and unlock my doors, but I have close neighbors so I don't let the horn honk.

Years ago, on my 99 Maxima I found the relay that activated the corner lights on door lock and unlock. I added another relay and a piezo sounder that would beep when the lights flashed.

I would love to add a sounder to my Expo, anyone have any idea where the light flash relay is located?

There might be a way to modify the volume of the horn through FORscan.

Additionally, if the horn is too loud, wouldn't it just be easier to listen out for the door locks going down? Or to watch for the lights to flash once to indicate all doors are locked?

If you are referring to a physical flasher relay for turn signals or 4- ways, there isn't one. In reading a couple threads, it appears the flashing is controlled by the BCM.
Turn signal flasher relay


I don't think I'm looking for the flasher, on my other car there was a wire that came from the ECM to a relay that was in line with the corner lights. After opening up the trunk panel I could hear the relay switch when locking and unlocking the doors, but not when the turn signals or 4-ways would come on.

I guess it doesn't seem that cars have those relays anymore.

Why not just run the lock actuator to the puddle lights, with a diode to stop back feeding. Then the puddle light comes on while the lock actuator is powered, both if they are connected at all times.

I hate hearing anyone's car horn when they lock the car. It means they don't trust their car. The first press of the button arms the alarm, the 2nd time just makes an annoying sound. Buy a remote starter if you need feedback, most of the better models have a remote with a display showing status etc.

Why not just run the lock actuator to the puddle lights, with a diode to stop back feeding. Then the puddle light comes on while the lock actuator is powered, both if they are connected at all times.
That might be an idea that would be helpful at night Don, but I don't think a flash of the puddle light in daylight would even be seen. The OP is looking for "audible" feedback. I think the sound of the door locks locking should be enough. Also, I believe that if the fob is used to lock the vehicle, the parking lights flash.


That might be an idea that would be helpful at night Don, but I don't think a flash of the puddle light in daylight would even be seen. The OP is looking for "audible" feedback. I think the sound of the door locks locking should be enough. Also, I believe that if the fob is used to lock the vehicle, the parking lights flash.

LOL, true, when did I post that, what was I thinking? I am usually close enough to hear my door lock actuators when I lock the doors. But I have older 91/92 Lincolns which use an actuator that is much quieter than the Explorer/later kind

I actually plan to swap a couple of those into my good/98 truck, because I don't like them so loud. I've already swapped a used Explorer actuator into my old 91 Mark VII, so I know how to do it, and that's when I noticed the difference. Those old actuators are scarce though, all the Mustang guys have bought them up. I have some spares though.

My wife always asks me, is it lock, when I do a single push to lock it silently. She is one of those who need the sound feedback...
I have motorized folding mirror so when locked, they are folded.
But I like the double tap for honk, when I am out of sight and wondering if I locked the car, really useful. But I prefer those with a dedicated sound that ain't the honk.

Are 2013 model have the single/double tap for w/ or w/out honk when locking.

..................Are 2013 model have the single/double tap for w/ or w/out honk when locking.
I honestly don't know. I always use that black pad on the door handle to lock mine. Saves digging out the keyfob. I tried the single lock tap this morning in testing for post #6 above. I'll have to try the 2x tap later when I go to check the status of my battery charging when I can close the hood.


There might be a way to modify the volume of the horn through FORscan.

Additionally, if the horn is too loud, wouldn't it just be easier to listen out for the door locks going down? Or to watch for the lights to flash once to indicate all doors are locked?
Is it possible to modify the volume? I´m looking also for a way to let honk the horn after the first pressing of the closing button. Is there any possibility?

Is it possible to modify the volume? I´m looking also for a way to let honk the horn after the first pressing of the closing button. Is there any possibility?
The vehicle has a simple single/dual tone horn that is essentially turned on and off via a switch. Think about it for a moment and you will have your answer for part 1.

For part 2, I do not believe ford factory keyless can do that. First press locks with visual confirmation, and second press adds audio confirmation. I believe some gm keyless have different settings by model/year, and maybe some others. If I am wrong, I apologize.
