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Dr. Jack

:usa: Hopefully I am starting this thread in the proper place. I am following the ideas of other members to keep a log so to speak of the 92 Explorer now know as Dr. Jack.
It all started a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, oops,wrong story.
A while back in the spring/summer time frame of 2009. I was asked by an EF member if I ever do any 4wheeling, I told him I had done a bit in Death Valley but not much, this is when he intoduced me to the EF family. We made plans for me to join him as a rider in the CCR09 at Ouray. We did a pre-run in Moab where I meet Bronco2guy, Amy, and Chad551. Then on to Ouray where I meet a lot of fine peeps in the EF family. I had such a blast that I decided to start a project, I have always liked off roading but all the groups I meet seemed to have a "better than thou" idea.
Giving myself two years for the project, I started keeping an eye on the forum and looking around for ideas, then the 92 Explorer of Dr. John "Jack" Lobdell popped up on Craig's list in New Mexico, by following the forum I became aware of the sale, and by contact with other members I came to learn that this was a special vehicle from a special member. Lady Luck smiled on me, as I was able to use my brother's trailer to go pick up the vehicle. Robert rode with me and am I glad he did, his help was great. Got the rig back home and am now beginning to go over it, will keep upates as I go

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Damn well better be a Texas Edition... :cool:

...if it has to be a Chevy. :fart:

LOL, yepper, Texas Edition, sorry but I have always liked Chevy trucks, couldn't get the discounts from Ford, got almost 9K knocked off with the trade in and discounts.

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Lol. I was kidding man, heck I drive Dodge Ram. :D

That hood looks sweet as Reaper, love that look mate.

Pretty snazzy rig Mike, is it a 1/2 ton?

No, 3/4 ton, with the extras for towing, 5.3 rated at 315hp (don't know the tourqe) towing capicity of 10k, much better than the one I had. (and the payments are 60 bucks less) took the extended warrenty on the electronics.

A Chevy!:frustrate Lol, J/k man at least its American and I like full size Chevy pickups too, they're my next favorite to a Ford :thumbsup: Looks like a pretty nice truck.

A Chevy!:frustrate Lol, J/k man at least its American and I like full size Chevy pickups too, they're my next favorite to a Ford :thumbsup: Looks like a pretty nice truck.

Thanks Glen. I did try a Ford dealer first for a F250, but I wasn't entitled to the incentives from Ford like I was from Chevy. (a difference of $5,000, this includes trade in value). Since it is a Texas Edition, it has the 6 speed tranny,5.3 instead of the 4.8, locking rear diff, and some other do-dads. I don't like the 20" wheels, more $ when replacing. (isn't it odd, the bigger the hole in the tire with less rubber it cost more)

That's nice, my dads 1500 has the 5.3 not sure if its 5 or 6spd and has an LS rear and seems to do well but he doesn't haul like you're going to be. And yeah I hear ya on the tire price, I see that at work alot and doesn't make much sense to me either.

got a spare tire carrier being built, will be fitting into the hitch, and of course will have a hinge on it to fold down, but I am also having a "table" attached to the backside to act as a work platform. (35" squared) This will be made out of wood instead of heavier metal.
Wood will have to be replaced as it weathers and wears, but that is what i perfer.
Pics to follow when complete.

Why not a round table the same size as the spare tire? It will be hidden that way when the spare is upright. I like the concept, but if it shows (square), it will look kinda funky, don't ya think?

Sounds cool, you maybe alright for a couple years if you get the pressure treated stuff, we've have it on the utility trailer as walls and have had that for about 8 years and within the last year its finally really showing wear from the weather.

You don't want your food in contact with pressure treated wood. Those chemicals used are nasty - and really not good for your health.

While a good idea for longevity reasons, not a good idea for health reasons.

Why not a round table the same size as the spare tire? It will be hidden that way when the spare is upright. I like the concept, but if it shows (square), it will look kinda funky, don't ya think?

Good point Gregg, round it is.

Sounds cool, you maybe alright for a couple years if you get the pressure treated stuff, we've have it on the utility trailer as walls and have had that for about 8 years and within the last year its finally really showing wear from the weather.

Yepper, it will be treated so it will last longer. I was thinking of maybe 2-3 years life out of it, but getting close to 8 if I can sounds very good.

3 coats of spar varnish will help the wood last for many years. And, you can always sand and re-coat the wood every year or two...

You don't want your food in contact with pressure treated wood. Those chemicals used are nasty - and really not good for your health.

While a good idea for longevity reasons, not a good idea for health reasons.

Oh no, it's not for any type of food prep, not an eating place, just for maintance work.

Dip the wood in liquid rubber or liquid plastic?

Make it out of light weight Alum?

Are you going to have a fold down support leg with a foot base?

if feasable will have a fold down leg support, if not will have a seperate support leg of jackstand. Proably will stay as wood for now.

3 coats of spar varnish will help the wood last for many years. And, you can always sand and re-coat the wood every year or two...

Likes this idea too

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Pressure treated wood out gasses. If it is real green, it is wet, leave it alone. After some time (3-6 mo) it is okay to stain, paint, or varnish.

If you use non treated wood, you can use a oil based primer and ext paints with UV properties. Spar varnish will work also on non treated wood. Something to think about.
