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Driving without front differential?

Maybe you'll have to clamp the shaft in a vise then smack it.

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beating on it resulted in the cage starting to break apart....continued till the cage was broken halfway around, balls fell out, came apart.
You are correct, there is a round circlip like piece, a retainer ring, on the outer part of the shaft, when assembled this was compressed and the star/bearing assembly slid over it, it then springs out slightly to retain the unit.
Damn, though, i broke the cage before i could get it to slide past.....
Now i have to do the drivers side......

Maybe you can drive directly on the star with a brass punch or something.

drivers side......same result......hopefully this is going to work and i wont have to go back to awd....now the shafts are shot

ok, get it back together now

thanks for your help...

Since you broke it I really don't feel like I was too helpful.

also, when you did it.., was it to go to two wheel drive? and did you have any issues with the transfer case?

No it is... That's how you replace the outer boot.

also, when you did it.., was it to go to two wheel drive? and did you have any issues with the transfer case?

I haven't done it yet. (I replaced cv boots on a different vehicle) I want to do it so I can take my time rebuilding the diff just as long as I get it done before winter. But no I don't expect any issues with the transfer case. Mine is 4wd not awd.


well, i'm rolling 2 wheel drive.....just local 30-40mph with no problems.
Have to replace both upper ball joints before a highway test....

thanks everyone

FYI - The upper ball joints can only be replaced by replacing the whole upper control arm.

(You can do burnouts now btw.) That was fun for awhile when I had my front drive shaft removed.
