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Dual 4.2 inch cluster screens - Climate missing

2014 Explorer Sport. No Climate in the right display.

2013 has it, 2015 has it. But 2014 does not?

This should be addressed. Is there a chance the 3.7 update adds Climate to the vehicles missing it? I have been out of the loop, how is the 3.7 update treating everyone?

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3.7 does not add Climate back in the RH information display. I was not aware that it had been added back in again in the 2015 model. The member in post 70 has a 2015 Sport and does not have the Climate function in the display. If you are going by a picture on the Ford website, then it is likely not an up to date one. They are known for reusing previous photos.


2014 Explorer Sport. No Climate in the right display.

2013 has it, 2015 has it. But 2014 does not?

This should be addressed. Is there a chance the 3.7 update adds Climate to the vehicles missing it? I have been out of the loop, how is the 3.7 update treating everyone?

2015 models do not have it. I just picked up a new 2015 Sport and climate control is missing. Some other things removed that irk me, navigation on the right display no longer allows you to select home, favorites or recent destinations, you must use voice commands or the main dash screen. They also removed the option for simple or advanced trip computers.

I don't understand removing any of these features, they were all very convenient and useful. I feel like I took a step back in technology and convenience changing from the 2013 to the 2015 model.

2015 models do not have it. I just picked up a new 2015 Sport and climate control is missing. Some other things removed that irk me, navigation on the right display no longer allows you to select home, favorites or recent destinations, you must use voice commands or the main dash screen. They also removed the option for simple or advanced trip computers.

I don't understand removing any of these features, they were all very convenient and useful. I feel like I took a step back in technology and convenience changing from the 2013 to the 2015 model.

...and no longer able to turn off collision chimes...Ford=Stupid!

...and no longer able to turn off collision chimes...Ford=Stupid!

collision chimes? You mean the collision detection that puts the red light in the windshield and pre-charges the brakes?

This can be turned off in the left menu (you can also adjust the sensitivity, I had to change mine to low)

...and no longer able to turn off collision chimes...Ford=Stupid!
From your 2013 Owner's Guide;

The warning system and chime can be turned on and off separately; the
warning system sensitivity can be adjusted to one of three possible
settings by using the information display control. Refer to the
Information Displays chapter.

I think you owe Ford an apology. :)


From your 2013 Owner's Guide;

The warning system and chime can be turned on and off separately; the
warning system sensitivity can be adjusted to one of three possible
settings by using the information display control. Refer to the
Information Displays chapter.

I think you owe Ford an apology. :)


No chance, Not on my 2015 Sport

collision chimes? You mean the collision detection that puts the red light in the windshield and pre-charges the brakes?

This can be turned off in the left menu (you can also adjust the sensitivity, I had to change mine to low)

I have a 2015 sport built in early march, I do not have the option to disable Collision Warning, only change sensitivity.

My quote from the 2013 Owner's Guide was based on the information shown in your profile in the margin. That info showed you had a 2013 Explorer. Now that its been updated to show a 2015 model, I agree that the Collision Warning system can not be turned off. According to the 2015 Owner's Guide, only the sensitivity can be adjusted to 1 of 3 levels.

" The warning system sensitivity can be adjusted to one of three possible
settings by using the information display control. Refer to the
Information Displays chapter. "

Probably deemed to be another 'safety' issue like the horn sounding when you close the door with the engine running.


I have a 2015 sport built in early march, I do not have the option to disable Collision Warning, only change sensitivity.

Wow, I could have sworn I saw off in the list of sensitivities.. but upon going out right now and looking you are correct.

Climate control using steering wheel non existent on 2015 Explorer Sport

Just traded in my 2013 Ford Explorer Sport for a 2015 Sport. In my 2013 i was able to control my climate using my buttons on my right side of my steering wheel, and utilizing the right side instrument panel where you see the options for entertainment, navigation, phone, and climate. My 2015 explorer is missing the climate option. Took it to the dealer and they told me that option was taken away on the 2015 models, is this true. If you are an owner of a 2015 sport is this accurate? If so why would they take this convient option away? Thanks for listening.

My 2015 explorer is missing the climate option. Took it to the dealer and they told me that option was taken away on the 2015 models, is this true. If you are an owner of a 2015 sport is this accurate? If so why would they take this convient option away? Thanks for listening.

Can't tell you why, but it is true. My Sport doesn't have it and there is a thread on here somewhere about it.

It was removed in the 2014 model year, mine does not have it. I can be controlled via voice command kind of redundant to have it at the steering wheel as well.


Just traded in my 2013 Ford Explorer Sport for a 2015 Sport. In my 2013 i was able to control my climate using my buttons on my right side of my steering wheel, and utilizing the right side instrument panel where you see the options for entertainment, navigation, phone, and climate. My 2015 explorer is missing the climate option. Took it to the dealer and they told me that option was taken away on the 2015 models, is this true. If you are an owner of a 2015 sport is this accurate? If so why would they take this convient option away? Thanks for listening.
Using the Forum's 'Search' function I found this existing thread and merged yours with it.


I have a 2015 Limited - it does not have Climate control on the steering, either.

I use the climate control on my steering wheel every day. Really dislike having to look for climate adjustments on the touch screen.

I use the climate control on my steering wheel every day. Really dislike having to look for climate adjustments on the touch screen.
I just use the voice command feature. Works great. Never did use the steering wheel controls.


I just use the voice command feature. Works great. Never did use the steering wheel controls.


I'll go that route if I'm ever fortunate enough to get a new Explorer! :)

BTW, can you tell me the exact voice command(s) that I would use for this? Really the only time I use voice command is when I'm making a call or occasionally when using the entertainment system.

With my MKT, when I say 'Climate' the MLT screen will show the various commands that can be used from changing temperature, fan speed, vents etc.
I'm guessing the MFT works the same way.


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The problem with using voice commands is that you can not (or at least can not efficiently) use them while on a hands free call. Voice is great for some things, but convenience of steering wheel controls is much more valuable. I still can't understand why they took away a feature and just left it blank there and don't have an explanation as to why the feature needed to go away.
