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Easier oil changing....


Elite In Memoriam
January 17, 2001
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1999 XLT
Has anyone used any of the "easy oil change" devices out there such as the Fram Sure Drain or othe rs?

I will be installing the Fram kit tiday as I change the oil ( 10k on Mobil 1 ).

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Installation was rather simple; basically its just unscrew the factory plug, drain the old oil and screw in the new Fram drain valve. Be sure the copper washer seats properly.

The kit for my ’99 4.0 SOHC is Gram SD 2.

This is really nice on the Explorer ( at least the 4.0 SOHC ) because in their infinite wisdom, the Ford engineers put the drain hole on the motor in a poor angle location. When draining, oil does tend to get all over other parts and not simply into the drain container. With the hose in the Fram kit, the oil drain procedure in a no mess one, the hose can direct the spent oil into your catch container..

I purchased mine at Wal-Mart for about $10.

Aldive, just out of curiosity, did you say that you changed your oil after 10K with Mobil 1? That just seems a bit long for an oil change or does Mobil 1 hold up that long? (Am I wasting my money chaning my Mobil 1 every 3k)

What Exactley is the Fram Sure Drain?

Originally posted by DasFrem
Aldive, just out of curiosity, did you say that you changed your oil after 10K with Mobil 1? That just seems a bit long for an oil change or does Mobil 1 hold up that long? (Am I wasting my money chaning my Mobil 1 every 3k)

I am no lubrication scientist but I have used Mobil 1 with high mileage ( up to 15k ) in other vehicles for years. I used to change my Explorer's oil ( Mobil 1 ) at 3-4k. But I will continue to change at about 10k. I do change the filer 9 a Mobil 1 one ) everu 5k .

I have many friends who use long change intervals with excellent results. One friend go 25k with Mobil 1in his Vette.

I do think 3k is a bit short for a quality synthetic oil.

Sure Drain

Fram has a drain plug that replaces the factory plug. When you are ready to change the oil you just screw on a fitting that has a short hose to it. and drain the oil.

When finished you replace the adapter with a brass cover.

It is a quick connect type fitting.

I'm putting one on my truck soon, and have a call in to FRAM about making one for my Diesel.

Originally posted by CBoug76
What Exactley is the Fram Sure Drain?

The kit consists of a nice looking brass valve that you replace your original oil pan bolt with. The new valve doesn't activiate until you thread on the supplied drain hose. Threading the drain hose on depresses a plunger inside the valve and the oil runs out without one ever touching the hot oil. There is a metal probe inside the brass fitting that is connected to the drain hose that does the trick. Between oil changes they supply an equally high quality brass cover cap to keep the dirt and grit out of the valve. The rubber o-ring that remains on the valve allows you to tighten both the dust cap and drain hose to the valve with only hand pressure (no tools) and evidently keeps the dust cap on while driving in between oil changes.

Very interesting, I will have to look into getting one. You say they can be bought at WalMart for $10?

Yes at Wa;Mart but it might have been $12-15, I just don't remember.

You will love it.....

Here is a picture of the valve....

The hose in the kit is bright orange and not clear as pictured.


  • fram.jpg
    4.2 KB · Views: 625

Also included is this brass dust cap that is screwed to the drain plug when the hose is removed....


  • dustcvr.jpg
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that seems like a cool little gadget. i dont really find myself getting oil all over from draining the oil (i use the drain plug to obstruct the flow and deflect it into my oil bucket), but if someone could come up with something to keep the filter removal from being so damn messy, that would be cool ;) i always manage to get oil on some parts under the truck, and it usually runs all the way down my arm while im unscrewing it. ive heard of people drilling a hole in the filter before they take it off, but then youd get oil over your drill (and its just too much work.) anyone got any cool ideas for this?

I like to drain my oil when its pretty hotm therefore, this system is a Godsend for me.

As to the oil filter, try this trick I use on the filters on my boats to keep oil out of the bilge - get the filter loose w/o dripping oil with a filter wrench then slip a gal size zip lock bag over the filter and turn by hand, no mess, period.

Good luck.....

Originally posted by aldive
I like to drain my oil when its pretty hotm therefore, this system is a Godsend for me.

As to the oil filter, try this trick I use on the filters on my boats to keep oil out of the bilge - get the filter loose w/o dripping oil with a filter wrench then slip a gal size zip lock bag over the filter and turn by hand, no mess, period.

Good luck.....

thats actually the simplest idea in the world, and it seems like itll work beautifully. i cant believe i never thought of that :confused:

thanks, ill try it out on the next change.

wow that is a great idea, and easy, and cheap. I must be slowing down.

Originally posted by thedirtyneck
wow that is a great idea, and easy, and cheap. I must be slowing down.

It works well; been doing that trick for many years.

I will have to see if Fram mkes one for my 5.0. Summit has some but they run about $60-$70:eek: Performace Products also has one that is $19.95 but there is no way to hook up a drain hose.

if you dont change youre oil till after 10K or more you must be frieken crazy. i know some oil companys say they will last till 6K but daaaaaang. dont yall love your rigs. if you do ANY kind of wheeling where there is a large amount of dust or water or mud. you should always do it religiously at 3000. wouldnt you just plain want fresh oil in there anyway. it just dosnt do the same after...good lord 10K.

dont yall like gettin dirty. whats up with this plug adaptor thing. just get oil on your hands for goodness sakes. its turns the women on.

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It's not the oil on my hands that bothers me it's getting oil on the drive way that I can't stand.
