East Coast Run At Paragon (April) | Page 7 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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East Coast Run At Paragon (April)

Best Weekend for a Paragon Outing

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    Votes: 5 41.7%
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    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • April 19th, 20th & 21st

    Votes: 5 41.7%
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    Votes: 1 8.3%

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You all said nothing about my new ride!!! lol (I just yell when I don't get the recongnition I deserve lol) anyhow.... the ex will be going under the cover awaiting the new RCD lift to be uuuhh whatever they are doing with it....and bigger tires.... looks like no wheeling it for awhile..... I will try to talk my friend into coming up to Paragon with his Big ole f150 or just ride along and be a pain in the ass to everyone else (if ya dont mind lol) Ill be official picture taker ....

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OOOOK.. heres whos info I got:


from the list I got, from what I see, the only people missing are:


guys, please try to get me that info asap.

I have the closing on our new house out there tomorrow, so Ill be pretty busy, if I dont get back to you right away dont worry... I will.... sooner or later.



Thanx.... gotta love it.... 10 min. from Paragon.... lol...

That is awesome!! Lets hope none of us have to try out your "new garage" if you know what i mean!!

Happy trails!!

Well im making sure that I got all my tools, welders, air tools, etc... out there b4 the run just in case... and so I can go mad out there and not worry.... lol.. big garage tho...

Hey i'm bringing my buddy along with me so he can help pay for the room and for the gas! I'm going to call and double check that our room has 2 beds, sound okay??

Happy trails!!

edi: I just called them and the guy told me that he would make sure that our room has 2 beds in it, so i guess we'll have 2!

That's cool with me. What time are you getting there on Friday? I will be leaving from work around 4ish and I have about a 4 hr drive so that will get me there about 8. I think once I get there I'll just look for your truck and/or look up our room at the lobby. I assume it will be under your last name?

Well, I'd like to know what time everyone else is getting there so maybe we could meet up for a quick bit for dinner or whatever. We might leave here around 8 or so cause i have an 8 hour drive. The room is under my name, Josh Cassell. That would put me up there around 4 so that would give us time to get in the room and relax a little bit then get something to eat, just depends on how many will be there, i might just grab something and go back to the room so who knows.

Is there suppose to be a Jeep thing there that weekend or is that the Telico trip i was thinking of? Not sure if anyone else was planning on taking a video camera but i'll bring my brothers. I can't wait.

Happy trails!!

Ya, that sounds like a good idea...I'll be starving by then. If you guys can wait until I get there to eat.

Who else will be there on Friday?

Saturday for me...have to work friday night :(

I got a bout a three hour drive
I guess if everyone is gettting there later in the day I leave later

thank god for a four day weekend

Ill be there a week b4 hand.... lol.... Im located about 5 min from the motel.... I guess Ill meet everyone by the motel or somthin. Ill have my garage set up by then... so if anyone has any problems, or last min. mods, we can take care of it.

I'll be there Friday, probably between 5 and 7 pm.

OK, so who's up for a late dinner? We could eat, share stories and pre plan for Sat.

I'm in, sounds good that we plan friday night if possible so we can just meet up saturday morning and head out and do some wheelin all day long!!!!!

Happy trails!!

Originally posted by 2001ExpSport
OK, so who's up for a late dinner? We could eat, share stories and pre plan for Sat.

YES YES YES.... PRE-PLAN!!!! Jeff and I are doing everything possible now but really wont know till we all meet up..... I guess we'll set the place and time closer to the actual date as some peoples plans change at the last min. dont matter to me.... we'll be up there cleaning and painting the new house, so whenevers good for everyone else its good with me.

Okay, so which hotel is everybody staying in?

It looks like I'm going to be too broke to afford Paragon's entry fee :( All I can afford is the hotel room, dinner, and gas....>sigh< I need a better job.....

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How about this....I will call the Hazelton Inn where all the other guys are staying....see if they have a room.... you can stay with me and my kids if you don't mind..... We can ask for a cot for my son....if they dont have one I can bring one from home.... no problem just get here..... I'm not wheeling the Explorer....and The Bronco is going to be a baby....so there is no wheeling that at all ever..... so we will probably at least ride to the staging area with you.....maybe you and my daughter can get in with Chris...(that is if you have extra seats bud).... and me and my son will ride along with Jeff...Jeff I will bring my money with ...... Jeff....send me an email or PM with the phone # to the Hazelton Inn and info .... Thanks all

