East Coast Run At Paragon (April) | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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East Coast Run At Paragon (April)

Best Weekend for a Paragon Outing

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    Votes: 5 41.7%
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    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • April 19th, 20th & 21st

    Votes: 5 41.7%
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    Votes: 1 8.3%

  • Total voters
Had to put the winch on, no bumpers here..... I opt for greater approach angle.

Well I am now "certified" if you wanna call it that, In 4x4 something or other.

Heres a pic of me at Paragon today, goin out on a run after the class......REPRESENTING THE GREAT EXPLORER!
If I dont do it..... noone will..... lol .... We really have to come together and get this whole "Explorer thing" goin on the right track, we need big numbers and more participation to make us more known...... I cant earn all of our respect by myself..... so lets get one hell of an outcome this april..... c'mon people... we can do it!!!!!


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i gotta find some time to send jeff my 20 bucks. I think ill do it monday.

Namitey, where ya been buddy, are you going to share a room or something like that with 2001exsport? I'm assuming you don't care 2k1? By the way, i was just curious to find out what you name is? I'm Josh by the way. Anyways, i figure it would save us both a little bit of money. I really wish we could go camping, that sucks! Oh well, the shower things is kinda nice!

Happy trails!!

Can we get a vote from those who are going on what level trails you want to run? Obviously 1 is the easiest (mostly gravel and some pint sized rocks) and 5 is probably out of everyone's league except Lizard's (and even then he might have some difficulty tackling it :D).

I'm putting in my vote for level 1, maybe 2....we took levels 2 and 3 last time and no one escaped without some kind of damage-and they all had at 31's or bigger....Chris, you'll be living up there soon enough with all the time in the world to go upset the J**pers...why don't we go easy on the gang this first time and save the tough stuff for next time, rather than split into two groups?

well as per the grouping, 1 level trails is about right for what you said, but 2.... remember when Venumb cut his sidewall and I changed it.... well that was a 2 level trail. I dont thing you want your truck on that. but here is what I was thinking, we take some 1- borderline 2 trails the first day, then maybe around noon or so, if it seems to be too easy for some people we can talk about splitting up, I certainly dont mind goin on easy trails, cause Ill be hittin the big ones all the time from now on. I think we need to establish a comfort level, along with some dedicated guides, Ill be glad to guide, and I guess Jeff too, since hes been there a few times as well. since we are very close to the trip we need to start planning it out. there will be other groups there that day so we need to get some kind of an idea of what trails we all want to hit so other groups can plan accordingly. If we go there organized, we certainly can enjoy a longer time out and less time planning it in the staging area. What do ya think????

What we did back in August was fine. I'm up for whatever. Can't wait to get up there.

I'm up for whatever. Can't wait to get up there

Same here man, i don't have any clue what the trails are like, but it sounds good Chris. I really don't want any damage my first time up there, but we'll see!!

Happy trails!!

Anyone who is planning on going please check out Dead Link Removed . We need your input asap so we can plan an itinerary.

Ill prolly do level 1&2 trails last time i went to paragon my truck got some trail damage on those trails.

Originally posted by Spas
I'm putting in my vote for level 1, maybe 2....
Does this mean you may be going on some trails after all? Me and Karol are planning on the easier trails, you can join us.

Personally, I'd like to stick with level 1 and easier level 2 trails the first day. Then maybe a level 1 and rest level 2 the second day. Whatdya think Karol, between me and you we should be able to lead the easy group?

EDIT: I just checked out the new trail ratings. Judging by the fact that the Rock Garden is a BLUE 1 trail, I'm talking all GREEN trails. Maybe do all the YELLOW trails the beginning of the first day just for fun, then finish the day with GREEN 1 trails. On Sunday we could do mainly GREEN 2 and finish with some GREEN 3 trails. Or if those look to be too easy, we could bump the numbers up one and finish Sunday with an easier BLUE 1 trail.

Please note if you would like to follow these plans with me!

Originally posted by Jot017
Namitey, where ya been buddy, are you going to share a room or something like that with 2001exsport? I'm assuming you don't care 2k1? By the way, i was just curious to find out what you name is? I'm Josh by the way. Anyways, i figure it would save us both a little bit of money. I really wish we could go camping, that sucks! Oh well, the shower things is kinda nice!

Happy trails!!

I thought I was sharing a room with you? I don't care who I share with as long as I get a bed...LOL.

I have never been there, but from what I've read I can do all blue levels and maybe black 1. I would have to see it first.

I would also like to maybe go on one scenic route easy or not. Maybe that would be fun for Sunday?


Ive been busy, I started a new job last week and I havent had time to post. I havent gotten a paycheck in about 3 weeks :( so ill hopefully get paid at the the end of this week and ill send jeff some money. I doubt ill be sharing a room with any of you guys hopefully a friend of mine will go and we will prolly split the price on a room. If he doesnt go Id be happy to share a room with some one else. Btw Im Doug.

Doug--the ol mighty dollar is important haha. That's good that you got a job, hope all goes well.

Matt--yes you and i are sharing a room, i wasn't sure about Doug but since he has a friend going then that is cool. I'm going to call the hotel again and see how many beds are in a room and how big, if they are decent size i might ask my buddy to tag along with me so he can help pay for gas and all that good stuff. Do you have anything against that? You'll have a bed, don't worry! I want one too, so that's why i'm calling. I'll let you know.

Happy trails!!

Originally posted by yob_yeknom
Does this mean you may be going on some trails after all? Me and Karol are planning on the easier trails, you can join us.

Personally, I'd like to stick with level 1 and easier level 2 trails the first day. Then maybe a level 1 and rest level 2 the second day. Whatdya think Karol, between me and you we should be able to lead the easy group?

Well I'm not even sure I'm going to be ready for anything...... I think the most I can do for this one guys is take a ride up there on Saturday morning and ride along with someone....... I bought myself a new Bronco and the Ex is not even near ready for anything.... in fact it's not in any condition to wheel..... I need a new left front wheel bearing.....shocks, struts..... Also had a bit of bad luck already with the new Bronco.... the very next day after buying this vehicle.....i was just pulling out of my housing complex and wammm the left rear tire went flying accross the road.....i dragged my rotor about 2 feet.... not as bad as it sounds though..... the drum had to be replaced....a backing plate ..... the brakes bled and refilled.....but the major thing is the body damage on the wheel well and quater panel.... sigh......it wasn't my fault.....I'm still fighting with the dealer on this.....I'm sure the lugs were too loose and they didn't know it..... they are paying for all of this ....if not .....then it's court time..... anyhow....lemmee see if I can get a pic up here to show you my new baby....


ok im going to try this pic

Dead Link Removed

if it doesn't work here is the damn link

Dead Link Removed

here are the links to the accident pics....

Dead Link Removed

Dead Link Removed

yeah you can feel sorry for me all you want....just send donations to the Explorer and Bronco charitable foundation.....c/o Karol Holland PA ......lol


PS Im starting to feel like bad luck schlep rock

So is anyone up for my easier plans?

I'm planning on going that weekend, count me in and maybe another 2 or 3 form BC4WD. Is anyone going to be at PAP this Sunday for the open ride? I'll be testing out my atlas II on whompum, my first weekend with it in (would be nice to have some pix of it for here :D )


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Nice to see this thread so big. I really hope I can make this run but I don't wanna say anything till my truck is back together after all these mods and I know so more what will be going on with college and work. It's great to see ECX with such a gung ho attitude about this though. I'm sure it'll be great.

Lizard- Your truck is looking so nutty man. I am so jealous. How much of your fender did you have to remove? you have any pics of that inside corner?
