Easyest and Cheapest lift | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Easyest and Cheapest lift

February 26, 2009
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2000 XLT
Ok so im only 16 and am looking for the easyest and cheapest lift besides shackles and tt. dosnt need to be that big maybe 1-3 inches. Want to know so i can take my X on sand dunes at Silver Lake.

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You can get 1-3 inch with shackles and torsion twist. There are tons of threads about cheap lifts, one floating around recently at the cost of $300

Torsion twist is the best bang for the buck, by far. Many have found that the lifts which drop your torsion bar mounting brackets are a waste of money. The drop brackets bend, the torsion bars get hung up on obstacles, etc...

A torsion twist/shackle lift in conjunction with a 3" body lift will get you at least 5" of total lift.

ok, but when i was looking for a body lift no one had one. they thought it was a unibody so i could put one on. they could even find one for a ranger

^ for some reasen alot of these "O-so-Smart" parts guys think the X is a unibody, and its not. It sits on a frame just alike a pickup truck. I did my TT and shackle lift using the Lift shackles from Auto Zone for 20 bucks. All in all my front sits 2 inches higher and the rear sits 2.25 inches higher and it only cost me 20 bucks. Its best bang for buck lift. Like was listed above you can get a for about 200 bucks and get the body lifted up another 3 inches and then you can fit 33 inch tires under your truck. Stock with a lil trimming you can fit 31s and with the tt and shackle lift I have heard of some guys fitting 32s. I personally am getting ready to put 31s under my truck. Also before you go to a tire like a 33 if you do do the 3 inch bl I would find out what your gear ratio is.

O sorry one more thing, the Performance Accesories Body lift is actually for a Ford Ranger but will work on the Explorer. And for a 99 Ex I believe you need the PA-883.
