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Looks good!!! Just wait til the bumper and winch goes on, and then the Beast will look beastly!!!

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Wicked photo's!!! She look's top notch out in the bush.:thumbsup::thumbsup:

can anyone tell for sure if this is a D44



I would think so, the only other TTB made that wide was the D60. I'm sure if you punch into google what is printed on that metal tag it would tell you more info.

I would think so, the only other TTB made that wide was the D60. I'm sure if you punch into google what is printed on that metal tag it would tell you more info.

Yes that is a D44 TTB in there. Only front axle the Bronco got in the later years

and to Correct Glen the other TTB was the D50 which is a hybird Axle and not a true D60.

Hahaha Real nice, must have taken hour's of hard slog :D:thumbsup::thumbsup:

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Sounds kool, will bring my trailer, and finish that too, I'll make sure I got the electrical wire and kits with me. Want to start in the morning so it's halfway cool?
