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X2!!! Sweet!!!

Bugger about the switch mate. At least it's an easy fix and not too pricey?

Got motors for windows today. installed them. Driver side works, the right side goes down but not up. So guess need new switch.

At least it's down!!! can get some breeze coming thru the Beast, and if it rains just stick your head out the window and take a shower!!!!
But on the serious side, it is one step closer to getting them fixed.

Some progress is better than none. Hope you can get that fixed so you don't get soaked seats :p:

started the light bar today

brackets for roof

sits on roof great

now need to get lights so I can set it up, drill holes etc.

Got motors for windows today. installed them. Driver side works, the right side goes down but not up. So guess need new switch.

Might try a 12v battery, and some jumper cables to test the wires to the motor before getting a new switch. Free and easy test, and only takes a couple mins.

What you do is....clamp a nail in the clamp ends of the booster cables, stick them in the motor connecter one at a time and then reverse them in the connecter. The motor will spin a diff direction when you switch the wires. If it works both directions, you know its before the connecter. You can do the same thing after the switch by sticking the nails into the wires behind the switch. If it works both directions, you eliminated any wiring after the switch.

These circuits work on a ground system. When a ground is made, power is received.

X2 mate, coming along sweetly!!

That's a beaut bumper mate, bloody ripper!

Got this in today - this weekend is full now, but hope to get something done on it anyway:D
Bet we can find a way, it's a mod!!!! :D

Nice bumper Rob, can't wait to see it mounted with a winch :D

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