edelbrock vs. rancho vs. others | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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edelbrock vs. rancho vs. others


December 29, 2008
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hi guys just wanted some feedback, i'm about to replace the stock shocks on the 02ST and i was wondering what you think about the edelbrock and rancho shocks? I am not going to lift the truck, it will stay in its stock form. any comments would be highly appreciated.:)

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I have had both the Edelbrock and Rancho 900x shocks.

The former rode like crap and I quickly got rid of them. I have no complaints with the Rancho shocks.

Rancho RSX's on mine and I like them pretty well.

looks likerancho it will be, tanx guys. i was actually leaning toward the ranchos, just wanted some more inputs.:)

I really like my Bilsteins. I've heard good and bad about the Edelbrock IAS shocks as well as the Rancho 5000 and 9000 series shocks, but I've never had either, so I can't comment too much.


I had Monroe Sensa Tracs on my old '05. If you're mostly on-road they are fine. Originally I ordered Pro Comp ES9000's but they were missing a number of small parts (a common complaint) so after much pounding and cussing I sent them back for a refund and drove to Sears on three shocks to get the Monroes.

I have Rancho RSX on my 96 explorer, they are a good shock
I have Rancho 9012 on my BII, they are a good shock
We recently went with Bilstein 5100 series on the FJ cruiser WOW these are a GREAT shock

You cant go wrong with Rancho (actually oned by Monroe, Monroe makes good daily driver shocks also) or my new favorite the Bilstein

The Bilstein is a QUALITY shock, you can tell just by looking and touching one, then driving on them is like heaven

I have Rancho RSX on my 96 explorer, they are a good shock
I have Rancho 9012 on my BII, they are a good shock
We recently went with Bilstein 5100 series on the FJ cruiser WOW these are a GREAT shock

You cant go wrong with Rancho (actually oned by Monroe, Monroe makes good daily driver shocks also) or my new favorite the Bilstein

The Bilstein is a QUALITY shock, you can tell just by looking and touching one, then driving on them is like heaven

I use Bilsteins in our Benz and I agree they are like a dream, that's good to know that they can be used in American cars also, I thought they were limited to German and Japanese cars (silly me, sorry Bilstein):D anyone have part number for the Bilsteins that will fit the 02ST? tanx in advance. :)

looks like im going with Bilsteins also
