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Engine Block Heater


January 23, 2011
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Milwaukee, WI
How does the heater really work? I live in WI, where the block heater comes standard at no charge. My local dealer found my Explorer with the options I wanted in IL. I don't think the heater is standard there so the truck I am having shipped up here doesn't have this. Is this something I should worry about or something my dealer would install at no charge? I will call them tomorrow but just wanted to see if someone on here had insight on this.


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i would have it put in, it sure helps on really cold windy mornings,,

How does the heater really work? I live in WI, where the block heater comes standard at no charge. My local dealer found my Explorer with the options I wanted in IL. I don't think the heater is standard there so the truck I am having shipped up here doesn't have this. Is this something I should worry about or something my dealer would install at no charge? I will call them tomorrow but just wanted to see if someone on here had insight on this.

I can't recall when I last had a vehicle with one. It may have been my '79 Olds 98 Regency. I never did use it. The brochure I have on the 2011 Explorer shows that a block heater is listed under Standard Features.

is this something that has to be plugged in to an outlet?
If you are going to use it, most people suggest using a timer to help cut down on electricity costs. Set the timer to come on a couple of hours or so before you are going to use the vehicle. If your Ex is going to be sitting outside and your area has long periods of extremely cold days, you may be better off using a synthetic motor oil for better/faster starts. Most work places don't offer outlets to plug in the block heater. I've always been of the opinion that if it isn't going to start, I'd rather it not start at home!;)

I've always been of the opinion that if it isn't going to start, I'd rather it not start at home!;)

I'm right with ya. And honestly, I never use them. Back before fuel injection was the last time I have had a car not start from cold (dead batteries happen, but a block heater won't help you there). I've had them groan and complain, but they start.

I don't exactly live in a warm winter climate either.

where is the plug for it, I looked but did not find it.

i live where it gets as cold as it gets in about most of the continent and if it didn't have a block heater in it , i would put one in it,,
I also worked out the difference in the paying for a block heater , and the extra fuel it uses to get the coolant up to the temp i get at startup, and let me say the cost of electricity is way cheaper than the gas cost, so i plug in any night it goes under 20 f,

Do you guys have a picture? I live in Maryland which should be a cold state. It should have the engine block heater but I never heard about it from the dealer. I want to see if I have it?

where is the plug for it, I looked but did not find it.

Are you sure you have one? Wisconsin is considered a "cold" State, so if you bought it there, it has one from the factory. The black wiring harness is clipped into the top front radiator area right when you open the hood and look down. The actual plug has a black cap on it.

Do you guys have a picture? I live in Maryland which should be a cold state. It should have the engine block heater but I never heard about it from the dealer. I want to see if I have it?

Maryland does not get them, IIRC. Is it listed on your window sticker?

You can also get a "free" engine block heater when the purchase is part of a Fleet order and has the proper fleet code during the time of the order/build process.

Hello everyone! I finally got my Explorer after ordering December 15th and now I've got a couple questions.

What are you all doing with your engine block heater? I've never had one before. Can I leave it snaked out the grill or do I need to open and close the hood each time and clip it back in? How cold does it need to be for the heater to be beneficial?

Hello everyone! I finally got my Explorer after ordering December 15th and now I've got a couple questions.

What are you all doing with your engine block heater? I've never had one before. Can I leave it snaked out the grill or do I need to open and close the hood each time and clip it back in? How cold does it need to be for the heater to be beneficial?
My window sticker does not list a block heater but all the info I see when I 'Build' one on the website says that a block heater is standard equipment, at least on Ford.ca. I should next week when the Ex is scheduled to arrive. In any case, I rarely use them anyway. Unlike many people around here, I actually use my garage to park in. In the 48 years I've been driving, I doubt I have used them more than a dozen times and for many of those years I did not have a garage.
You should be able to just leave it clipped in place if you are not using it.

What are you all doing with your engine block heater? I've never had one before. Can I leave it snaked out the grill or do I need to open and close the hood each time and clip it back in? How cold does it need to be for the heater to be beneficial?

I have not used mine yet. Not been that cold the first week I've owned it. And with remote start, I can pre-warm the truck.

I think we need to open & close the hood each time, and stow the cord away inside on the clip.

The heater will be beneficial at any temp. It's your personal choice. The engine will just start cranking out heat that must faster.

I'll surely use the block heater on days that are below zero (next winter) and most days the temps are 0-10 degrees. Then, remote start for all the rest.

For me, the block heater is more about personal comfort. I'm sure my properly maintained truck will start in the dead of winter when it is 25-30 BELOW zero. As it has done in the past, without the block heater.

My window sticker does not list a block heater but all the info I see when I 'Build' one on the website says that a block heater is standard equipment, at least on Ford.ca. .

Yes, I kinda wondered about your earlier statement, that you hadnt had one since 79 as they have been pretty much standard on any Canadian spec. vehicle for years, they are just really good at hiding the cord. On my 01 Sport Trac i had to take apart the front valance to find it, on my 07 its right in front, so you never know.

My window sticker does not list a block heater but all the info I see when I 'Build' one on the website says that a block heater is standard equipment, at least on Ford.ca. I should next week when the Ex is scheduled to arrive. In any case, I rarely use them anyway. Unlike many people around here, I actually use my garage to park in. In the 48 years I've been driving, I doubt I have used them more than a dozen times and for many of those years I did not have a garage.
You should be able to just leave it clipped in place if you are not using it.

I think your right its standard on Canadian builds, I just found it tucked nicely along the top of the radiator housing. Its inside black electrical loom so its hard to distinguish between OEM wiring and the heater cable. It also has a heavy duty rubber cover on the plug end to protect it.

Very well done IMO

Hello everyone! I finally got my Explorer after ordering December 15th and now I've got a couple questions.

What are you all doing with your engine block heater? I've never had one before. Can I leave it snaked out the grill or do I need to open and close the hood each time and clip it back in? How cold does it need to be for the heater to be beneficial?


This is Seni with Ford Customer Service. First, congrats on your new purchase! Second, I have to admit, you took this girl for a spin around her resources LOL. :D After a hardy search, I found the information on pages 274-276 of the owner's manual (3rd printing.)

To answer your questions:

1. Your factory installed block heater system does not have a thermostat; however, maximum temperature is attained after approximately three hours of operation. Block heater operation longer than three hours will not improve system performance and will unnecessarily use additional electricity. Make sure system is unplugged and properly stowed before driving the vehicle. While not in use, make sure the protective cover seals the prongs of the engine block heater cord plug.

2. The block heater system is most effective when outdoor temperatures reach below 0°F (-18°C).

I hope this helps! If you ever need to access your owner's manual or would like to view the latest printing, go to www.FordOwner.com. You can also register to receive service coupons and driving tips. In the future, please feel free to PM me with any concerns you may have. Thank you. :D


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embarrassingly I cannot find the cord to the block heater in my 2013 explorer, help please and thank you
