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exhaust help please!


January 31, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
pittsfield, ma
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 explorer sport
hey everyone, i have a 98 explorer sport sohc and i want to get a new muffler put on, recently i bought a magnaflow muffler, 2.25 single in to 2.25 single out and i just need to know what i need for my local muffler shop to put it on and roughly how much it will cost? and also how it might sound? PLEASE HELP.


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G'day Dave, check out youtube for your sound bite on the 4.0 sohc with the magnaflow muffler that you bought. Price will vary but if your using your existing pipes it shouldn't cost too much. Give your local exhaust shop a ring and ask them for a quote.

Thanks alot Lynchy, ill deffinately give my shop a call and ask them. im just trying to get an idea on what it could turn out like. im new to explorers and have been hearing that the sohc engines are tough to pair with a good aftermarket exhaust system so im kinda stuck. ill let you know how it turns out.

i have an entire thread based on this. Check the stickies at the top of this forum

thanks alot, im sure ill find what i want in your thread, it helps alot. i was also wondering if you would know if i could use the dual 2.25 in to single 2.5 out y pipe for the muffler i got that is 2.25 in and out or do i need to find a y pipe that is 2.25 in and 2.25 out? im not sure if thats confusing but i guess im just wondering if the y pipe with a 2.5 inch out would be alright going into my 2.25 inch muffler?

Uh, oh. I had a Magnaflow on my old '00 Sport and it didn't sound very good and droned like crazy in the cab. My wife called me a "riceburner" after the install. The muffler lasted all of a month before I swapped it out for a Flowmaster SUV 50 series muffler. Much better sound.

The Magnaflow still sits in my garage. I plan to use it on my current ride some day (with a 5.0 which is much better sounding engine vis a vis custom exhaust). I've got a different aftermarket muffler on their now (Flo Pro).

Sound is personal and you may like it. I truly hated it. I knew of another guy that used to frequent the site that said the same thing. He's the one that old me about the Flowmaster.

Yep, you should be right using that. I wouldn't buy a bit here and a bit there tho'. If you want a full 2 1/2" cat back system, sell your 2 1/4" muffler (seeing as it's still new) and start from scratch. The 2 1/2" y pipe will be o.k. if that's your original one and the muffler shop will just hook up a joiner for you.

Uh, oh. I had a Magnaflow on my old '00 Sport and it didn't sound very good and droned like crazy in the cab. My wife called me a "riceburner" after the install. The muffler lasted all of a month before I swapped it out for a Flowmaster SUV 50 series muffler. Much better sound.

The Magnaflow still sits in my garage. I plan to use it on my current ride some day (with a 5.0 which is much better sounding engine vis a vis custom exhaust). I've got a different aftermarket muffler on their now (Flo Pro).

Sound is personal and you make like it. I truly hated it. I knew of another guy that used to frequent the site that said the same thing. He's the one that old me about the Flowmaster.

oh man! i hope i like it, my fiancee bought it for me so i would feel horrible if it wasnt a sound i liked and had to get something else. i used to have a jeep cherokee and ran a flowmaster super 40 and i loved the sound but when i got my explorer i wanted just a nice deep tone instead of the super loud flowmaster that i was used to. do you by any chance have any vids or links to vids of a sport with a magnaflow, i cant find one

Yep, you should be right using that. I wouldn't buy a bit here and a bit there tho'. If you want a full 2 1/2" cat back system, sell your 2 1/4" muffler (seeing as it's still new) and start from scratch. The 2 1/2" y pipe will be o.k. if that's your original one and the muffler shop will just hook up a joiner for you.

i gotcha! what i was originally gonna do was just bring the muffler to the shop and tell them to put it on for me and they would figure it out, i just didnt know if that would cost more money for them to get the y pipe and put it on for me than it would if i bought the y pipe seperately and they just installed that with the muffler. but like you said, ill just have to give them a call to get a quote.

would it be best to bring back my magnaflow muffler and get the flowmaster original 40 instead?

Yep, that's what I'd do. Check out as many option's on here as you can and start with an informed idea of what you want. It took me awhile to decide on the route I wanted to take and changed my mind heap's (through asking the question's you are!). Once you know what you want fork out the coin. You'll save some dosh (money) in the long run. Good luck mate.

P.S. I love the sound of an original flowmaster 40.

i decided to return my magnaflow and i picked up the original 40 series flowmaster. i feel it was the right decision and im actually looking forward to hearing this exhaust, other than the magnaflow that i was kinda worried about not liking. ill keep you guys updated and ill get a video after the install to show you how it sounds. thanks for your help!

i got single in and dual out 40 series flowmasters on my 01 sport. previous owners of my sport had the 70 series and it sounded to quiet and then i got the 40 series big difference in sound.

i need to get a sound clip of my 40 series and let u guys hear it

Im in the flowmaster boat as well. I ran a magnaflow-type muffler (Hooker MaxFlow) with the flo thru design with fiberglass type material. I opted using the flowmaster super 40. While not as loud as the original 40, has a nice growl and much less drone.

i got single in and dual out 40 series flowmasters on my 01 sport. previous owners of my sport had the 70 series and it sounded to quiet and then i got the 40 series big difference in sound.

i need to get a sound clip of my 40 series and let u guys hear it

yeah id love to get an idea on how it sounds. let me know when you get a sound clip up!

Im in the flowmaster boat as well. I ran a magnaflow-type muffler (Hooker MaxFlow) with the flo thru design with fiberglass type material. I opted using the flowmaster super 40. While not as loud as the original 40, has a nice growl and much less drone.

i never understood why the original 40 is louder than the super 40, it seems like it would be the other way around. i preveiously had a jeep cherokee and i had a 40 series on it and my buddy had a super 44 on his and mine blew his out of the water, sound tone and loudness were much better. its strange lol

I have a flowmaster 50 series suv muffler and it only cost me 60 dollars to have it put on at a local muffler shop.If you would like to hear what my explorer sounds like go on my youtube its FarmanRacing .

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i never understood why the original 40 is louder than the super 40, it seems like it would be the other way around. i preveiously had a jeep cherokee and i had a 40 series on it and my buddy had a super 44 on his and mine blew his out of the water, sound tone and loudness were much better. its strange lol

The original 40 has only 1 sound baffle while the Super 40 has 3. The Super 44 has 2 sound baffles. I personally like the 40 series mufflers. I tried a super 44 and it sounded like rear end. See pictures below

40 Series Delta (3 baffles, large medium, then small. Quietest of the 40 series. Quiet on drone but has a nice growl when punched)

Super 40 Series (3 smaller baffles, also known as Delta Flow buf since the baffles are smaller, its louder with more drone)

Original 40 Series (1 large baffle. No delta flow, loud and lots of drone)

Super 44 Series (2 medium baffles. Claims of Delta Flow, but I personally don't like the sound of this muffler)
