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Fake hood scoop?


New Member
September 5, 2001
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Illinois, suburb near chicago
Year, Model & Trim Level
94' XLT
I thought it might be cool to add a fake hood scoop on my 94' explorer. I just want to make it look more beefy. anyone know of any that would look good or is this a stupid idea?

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well, i dont know of any scoops you can get for a first gen X, but you can get cobra scoops for a 2nd gen X. if you do a search for "troll", youll see his 96 xlt with cobra scoops (theyre same scoops from a mustang cobra.) his looks pretty good.

trolls explorer looks pretty cool, but i found thishood scoop

would those look right?

i'm not much for non-functional hood scoops. i'm in the process of making a functional hood scoop for my 92 right now. it's pretty cool so far. i probably wont install it until spring.

someone on this site bought a fake hood scoop online for their first gen X. i think it might be explorer eddie. not sure. but i do remember it was a black first generation explorer.

i think the medium size on the link you provided would probably fit.

the double scoops like that look like nose holes to me.. although they do have a kinda toughness to them.

yeah, paul, im getting the same message as gimp - id really like to see pics of this hood too.

Yeah, I want to see them too... (and I just wanted the lil email to update me on posts) :)

summit sells generic scoops. i like the single centered scoop myself. but i agree it has to be functional. i would have to be really decided to do this before i would cut a hole in my hood. ilike the 4runners tha have them. they look pretty cool.

Here is a picture of Paul's scoop he was talking about.


I've seen some "faux hood scoops" that look excellent, like you wouldn't know it wasn't part of the hood. I've seen some that even though they were painted to match, etc. I could tell there was no way it'd be a real hood scoop. Personally, I don't think they look very good.

THANKS COLIN! for posting that picture. I don't know why the link won't work, it works under the Rubicon story section. Winter, the designer of the hood tried a few different designs before coming up with this one.
It flows well with the design of the factory hood and it works! It looks alot like the hood on the Toyota 4Runner. The whole hood is fiber glass, but looking at it you wouldn't know it.

Can anyone tell me how to fin pics of Trolls' X? i did a search and looked up his name, to no avail. Thanks!

Originally posted by ZooL
...a fake... ...make it look more beefy...
You probably don't want to hear this, but I'll let you know anyways. Anything FAKE that you put on just TO MAKE IT LOOK LIKE YOU HAVE SOMETHING YOU DON'T is kind of RICEY in my opinion. Now if you make it somewhat functional, that's another story. :)

I saw a Pathfinder at a car show with the fake Lund scoops and almost every other stick/add on and it really didn't look that bad. I was considering getting a set of them somewhere down the road.

Paul, do you know if he'd be interested in making up a few of those hoods? Not to try and make my Explorer look like yours yet again, but it is a cool looking hood :). If you don't want a bredenhofdt clone though I can certainly understand, not sure I can spend the dough for a new hood anyway.

This site:http://www.wholehyper.com/spoilers-wings.html, has a couple of universal fiberglass hood scoops for sale. One of them looks alot like the one ILIKEDELLCOMPUTERS has on his X.

Will a 98 - 01 ranger hood fit an 99 X??

Matt, I'll have to ask Winter if he would be interested in makeing a few more. They are white in color before you take it to have it painted to match your color of truck.

If you look closely at the picture you can also see the new front fender flair's like Colin's (Fenderguy) & the new rear fenders from the back door to the rear tale gate. This was all done in preparation for the widening of the wheel base and the new custom suspension which is still being made. Winter is doing all of the designing and installation.

Gimp - This is one reason why I had a new hood made with the scoop. It helps alot with the cooling of the engine compartment. With the supercharger it increases the heat factor greatly inside the engine area, but with the new hood, it helps draw in more cool air. It has caught a few eye's and they have to take a double look.

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Gimp - I was thinking about having hood louvres added to mine. I was thinking something like what the Hummers have, but divided in the center by the raised center line on the hood. What did you have in mind? :smoke:
