Farrari as jackstand? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Farrari as jackstand?

This is making its way around the web, so i figured id be the first to post it here since it was in Arkansas. :p

"I work at Fianna Hills Country Club, and from the pool you can see across the tennis courts to a driveway where a guy has some nice cars: C6 vette, a PT cruiser, H2 and a red Ferrari, 360 Spyder I think but not sure. Well today I arrive to see some police lights over there and everyone at the pool looking over there. So apparently a guy in a teal F-150 was flying up the hill on Jenny Lind, hit the curb, flew a bit, clipped the PT, and went into the garage and landed on top of the Ferrari. Someone that went over there said that the dude had to be doing between 60 and 70 mph to do that. A few hours later they finally got the truck out which was nicely dented in the front and covered with dust, dirt, and some parts of house."


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looking at that picture again it appears that guy has a nice little set toys, a 50cc dirt bike, a moped, and then his big toy, the ferrari. i wish i could afford those!!!

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ill be the first to put a bid in on the ferrari's v10, the x needs a new powerplant. Anyone feel like doing some serious frame work?

fokk that ferarri I'll take the F-150 !!!!

thread from the dead? ;)

no kiddin. if i was ever (never will be...) in a situation even remotely like that, someone would mysteriously dissapear from the face of this planet, in the most painfull way i could imagine. maybe a 6 foot microwave for a number of hours...

my same thoughts about the moped

The guy with the Ferrari was probably happy, because like everyone he probably wanted a new toy and the insurance money allowed him to do that. Man I would not care if someone took out my Ferrari or house, it is why I have insurance, I bet the guy got even a nicer garage after that. Funny how the kids here act like they are going to kick ass because of a wreck...lol :eek:

That all depends on the vehicle. True, with an expensive, nice car, you'll get enough money from insurance to replace it. But, with a first gen explorer with 200,000 miles, if it gets wrecked its totalled and you get $1000-$3000 depending on condition...in which case you're screwed.

haha. can you imagine having to call your insurance company and say " My ferarri is wrecked" .. "ok sir, where did this happen" "in the garage.. a truck ran it over"

well at least the moped is safe thats all we care about.....dust that thing off and take it to work

slravene said:
thread from the dead? ;)

Gotta have something to talk about since half the board is getting ready to go to Moab :( and it a slow news day :D

Wouldnt mind getting that ferari from the wrecker, and converting it into some kinda 4wd machine :confused: Imagine 36"s, 3-4 body lift, 6" suspension lift... all the power to get u there :D oh my... im dreaming about converting this into a 4wd... nasty@! :)

davidmmm69 said:
that is hilarious...

no....nick cannon is hilarious.


I found some problems with this thread. First of all: It's not a "moped" like many people ride. It's actually a scooter called a Vespa. It's Italian. Also, the 360 is not a spider. It's just a red 360. Still a 200k car, made out of aluminum, not fiberglass other than the bumpers. Also, Don Johnson drove a Vette that looked like a Ferrari in Miami vice. It was a kit car I believe. As far as the pay out goes. The guy with the truck will not pay for the 360. Most insurance policies will only cover up to 50-100k. It will be taken up in court. The house insurance should cover the car. The car itself may not even have insurance. Most "richly" people that own that type of car, cannot get coverage. As far as getting a new Ferrari, forget it. It's hand made. All of it. Well, now they are more generic, but still. I never understood why a car that you pay, that price for would have 8 mm nuts holding a taillight in and the other light be held in with 1/4. Go fig. They will fix that car before buying a new one. It's cheaper.
