Feature Truck hvac_man 4-12-04 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Feature Truck hvac_man 4-12-04


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST

Well this is it after nearly three years of installing and uninstalling mods I have finaly come closer to the explorer I have always wanted :D

In one year I have installed a 5.5" superlift, superrunner steering, twin ARB lockers, 4.10 gears, custom round tube rock sliders, 2 sets 33-12.5-15 MT's on outlaw II wheels, AR python wheels, black rockcrawler wheels and then just when it was all finished I decided to rip it all out and start over ;)

I got bit by the SAS bug that was going around so I guess I just had to have one :) Now my parts list goes something like this:

D30 sas w/ long arms

4" custom springs by auto fab

spring over rear rancho single aal

8.8 Dynamic Motor Sports diff support/ cover

Rancho 9000's

twin ARB's w/ 4.88 gears

custom heim joint steering and track bar

34-12.5-15 Supper Swamper Truxs MT's

15x8 American racing Pythons

custom round tube sliders

custom front bumper w/ Magna 9000lb winch

tom woods custom drive shafts front and rear

wheel base streached out to 105" from 102"

Future mods include:

T&M t-case doubler

custom rear bumper

chromoly front axle shafts

roll cage

I will always look for ways to transform and make my explorer better for the trail but for this year I am pretty much just going to leave it alone :)

Oh thanks to the people here at explorer4x4 for showing me that I can spend an ungodly amount of money on an explorer :D

Here is a link to more photos and info http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=100756

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is this feature truck or totw?

or is there a new one?

Congrats Clint!!! :chug: You have done an awesome job on your X. I hope some day my truck is half as bada$$ as yours.

Congrats. Great work on the truck!

Nice job Clint! Hopefully I can come out to Moab to see the Solid Axle.

Very Nice!

Cant wait to see it in May...your old steering is right at home under my rig!

When you say T&M T case doubler, what do you mean? can you tell me more please?Is this the infamous Klune-V or is somebody else making the doubler for the BW1354 now?

Dam good lookin X there. :bounce: :chug:

Congrats Clint!

Thanks for letting me crash at your camp site last week.

I love your ride Clint, congrats!

Congrats Clint :)

Thanks guys I just got home from Moab and found out I was truck of the week...lol Well thanks for the compements and I'll have some new pics of the explorer and others from Easter Jeep Safari up soon :)



I want one too.... :) Very nice rig dude...
