Few questions about going diamond cut | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Few questions about going diamond cut

I have been looking into this lately and reading up on here and im under the impression that if i went with the HIR bulbs in a stock headlight housing then it will blind oncoming drivers, correct?

Do the diamond cut corners go yellow as well as the regular clear corners?

Does anyone have a pic of diamond corners with stock headlights that they can post or link me to?


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Also, for headlights do I have 2 bulbs or 4? As in: same bulbs for high beams and low beams? or will i need 4 new bulbs instead of 2?

do not get the HID retrofit kits... they are crap and will blind other drivers..... peopel have had mixed results with clear or diamond corners/headlights.... the basic consencus is that if you care for them properly they will not yellow.... the stock housings probably wont hold up to an HID kit, neither will the diamond cuts either, they are plastic... real HID kits have glass.... you have 2 bulbs... combined hi/low.... there bulbs are dual filiment.....

again search for robb and hid... there is a whole thread on it..... HID aftermarket kits will blind other drivers and i beleive are federally illegal now.......

i know you are in canadia.... but can has motor vehicle laws very similar to the US DOT

thanks for the info jim, i dont want to go with anything that isnt DOT thats why im asking.
a few people were suggesting to another person about the HIR bulbs and i was reading up on it:
and it claims to be DOT legal, but i dont know if its worth it if i have to spend a few hundred to get the diamond lights to direct the light properly

looks like a regular light bulb... rather a lightbulb like my halogen floor lamp uses.....

those are not hid... and those will not aim properly in any housing

even putting in an hid kit into a regular housing will throw light everywhere... they were not designed for it...... look for huskyfan , he retrofited full hid projectors from another vehcle.... his are fine as he actually used the whole setup and lens and just mounted into the explroer housing.....

HID is not cheap... there are tons of companies out there that say HID this, HID that and they are not.... HIDs have a ballast and bulbs

edit: nvm you read me right...

So simple answer is that i need the dimond cut headlight projectors to safely use the brighter bulbs.

explorers have one bulb for high/low...i have dimond cut headlights and silverstar bulbs and the light output is AMAZING compared to stock. also i have had mine for over 6 months and they still look like brand new.

So these HIR bulbs. Whats the deal with them? From what I've heard they're a step above SilverStars and such, but a step below the true HIDs. Do they work any different, or need any special housings or anything? Also, are they blinding or illegal?

96limitedX said:
explorers have one bulb for high/low...i have dimond cut headlights and silverstar bulbs and the light output is AMAZING compared to stock. also i have had mine for over 6 months and they still look like brand new.

Same here.

Actually because the 2nd gen has the same high/low bulb the HIR bulbs dont work for us. But on the bright side im sure even the silverstars will be as bright as i am shooting for. Still wouldnt mind a pic of the diamond corners with oem headlights though.

I hate to say it but if you do a search in the forum you will find lots of pics.
