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Fix4Dirt '98 XLT

:D Finally, its about time!

The Specs

Basic- 1998 XLT 4x4
Mileage- 323k (8/25/22)
Engine- 4.0 SOHC (stock)
Trans- 5r55e (stock)
Tcase- BW4405 (stock)
Front/Rear End- D35 IFS 3.73/8.8 LS 3.73 (stock)
Suspension- TT w/Keys/OME36+Shackle, ES UCA/LCA bushings, ES Sway bar end links (not stock)
Wheels/Tires- Stock 15" teardrop w/ 1" spacer/31" Toyo OC ATIII
Audio- MACH HU/Amp, Kicker CS door speakers, Kicker Comp C8 sub
Bumpers- RockRanger bumper+ HF 12k Winch
Accessories- Roof Basket, 30" LED Bar, Rear light pods, loads of sound deadening

The future!!!

- "New" hatch (spot welds tearing/torn on old one, need to paint up new one) In Progress
- Brake Booster Done
- Powertrax NoSlip
- Superlift?
- 33s?



Lift stock tires


Current form (6/14/22) Lift & 31s


Current Form (12/29/22) A bit more lift, 31s, basket

Screen Shot 2023-01-02 at 2.44.15 PM.png

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That looks like the transmitter for KSBY
ksby? only syation i remember here was kost 104.5 or ahatever it was called

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ksby? only syation i remember here was kost 104.5 or ahatever it was called
The last picture, the red and white antenna matches the appearance of ksby-tv antenna which is accessed from TV tower road. KOST fm was 101.3 but it changed formats a long time ago. 104.5 was the pure gold oldies station. I called it pure mold.

for the CentCal crew- pismo stream crossing CLOSED still as of noon today. considering reppening tomorrow, but wont be around to confirm. pics coming tmw

Whoo boy! It's been over a year since I last updated this thread. It's still kicking and running like a top! Nothing much has changed on it in the last year, just a few new parts here and there. It's got 332k on it now. Hadn't used it a whole lot until later this year, so mileage hasn't changed as much as I expected it to.

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One more.

Screen Shot 2024-05-19 at 7.13.46 PM.png


might just be my favorite photo of it.

I like the one above
Flinging mudd!!

Mileage is a badge of honor

I like the one above
Flinging mudd!!

Mileage is a badge of honor
its as close as i get to good mud without going to azusa (and that pit will swallow me!)

i would go to azusa but im the only oen of my grade with a 4wd (and fwiw a truck even) so i got no one to pull me out 🤣

yep!!! it just keeps on going and going! does just about anything (DD, offroading, towing, home depot runs)
