Fluid in torque converter | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fluid in torque converter

Joseph Tilghman

Active Member
February 21, 2011
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Huntersville, NC
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2003 sport trac 2w Drive
rookie question.

Is the fluid in the torque converter ever changed

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Yeah it is suppose to be changed when you change your transmission fluid... Have you never changed it??? :eek: lol... I'm just messin with you... :D As far as I am concerned it is all part of the transmission fluid... I believe it is the front pump on your tranny that pumps the fluid through it. If you are really concerned about the tranny fluid in your torque converter you should get a tranny flush and have new fluid put in...:salute:

I don't think the converters on these trucks have a drain plug. Can't say for sure as I haven't done my trans service yet. IMO,drop the pan and change the filter and fluid. Never would I, personally, do a trans flush. Again, IMO.......

If you get the transmission flushed with a machine then the torque converter fluid is changed. If you just drop the pan, then it isn't changed. Dropping the pan only gets about 1/3 of the fluid.

Too many people have troubles after a flush for me to chance it! As I said, IMO.

It's really a hit or miss with the transmission flushes now a days. I would have to agree with Steve and say do the pan and filter change would be the best route on something like this. You would be replacing about 4 quarts of a 13 quart system but you would have the fresh filter which really helps out a lot.
