Front Axle doesn't engage always | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front Axle doesn't engage always


October 15, 2012
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1996 Explorer XLT

I have a big problem.

Often my front axle doesn't work when I engage 4WD

I tested and it work when I lift the front, and when I open the lock system.
But when I did Offroad, often the front axle doesn't want engage.

It work when I go to high RPM, but I have a bad sound, because the system doesn't lock.
The sound come to the system lock.

I don't find in Rockauto the system lock installed on the axle, maybe you know the reference or another webstore to buy it.

I tested Vaccum and twice are ok.

Maybe you know a manual system?

Thanks for your help

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Maybe the solenoid that controls the vacuum is bad? Did you trace the vac lines back? Does it work with a hand pump.
You can check site - it is likely a very expensive dealer part.

I have never worked on the actuator of a vacuum operated one. I have noticed on my auto-lock hubs once in a while if you wait until you need the 4wd, that things sometimes won't mesh and lock both hubs in the front. I wonder if this is what is going on. Next time put in 4wd before you need it and see if that works without the noises.


I wait when I put in 4WD LOW, and sometimes it work sometimes not.
Solenoid work correctly, I checked.
I think it's the system on axle was dead.

I just need the name or the reference.


Please say me where is possible to order this part, On Rockauto I didn't find it.

Help me.


I don't need solenoid, but Vaccum Shift Motor like in this picture:

Dead Link Removed



So I found the reference: 75118X
But it's not possible to find on the webstore.
Maybe you can help me for this parts, I would like to order.

Because this week end, I modify with switch the Solenoid system for front.
And I have possibility to engage or not manualy the front axle.
I tested, and I have the same problem, so it's not electric, I think it's Solenoid or Shift Motor.
If I engage the axle, when it work, I do offroad and work correctly.
When I stop the car, but not the engine, the axle disconnect itself, I don't know why, because I use my manual switch to engage.



I'm come back.

So I open my front differential, because I had the same problem.
During my last offroad run, I open the vaccum control system, and lock the right axle manualy.
And I didn't plug solenoid.
After 1 test, it was the same problem, I have some 'clac' when the differential work.

Today I opened my front differential, and nothing, all are clear.
I checked axle right and left, and it's ok too.

The transfer case work correctly too.

And the sound 'clac' come from front axle.

I need your help, maybe you have solution for me.

5 April I have a offroad meeting, and I need my explorer.



So I found my problem.
It's transfer case, I think.

When I switch the 4WD Lo, the front axle engage and the transfer case work in low.
But if I turn with my hand the front shaft, I have a "clock" inside the transfer case.
And sometimes not.
I think it's the lock system for front doesn't work correctly.

I don't have a time to repair it, I will check next week.

Maybe you have some tips to repair it.

