Front Driveline Problems | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front Driveline Problems

April 17, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Baytown, Tx
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 XLT 4x4 Control Trac
Everything is fine in 2wd but, when you engage the 4wd, it makes this horrible sound. Guessing it is either the (front) driveshaft or it's components or the transfer case. Anyone had this issue and know the cause and how to fix it?

Sandman's Wife

PS. 4x4 is working. Just trying to fix the problem before it totally breaks and the cost really goes thru the roof.

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We only use it in mud. It is a HARD "clunking" sound. Not sure if it is bearings in the t.c., the shaft slipping, or what. The shaft turns but, acts like it may be slipping. U-joints, bearings, or t.c. Please help. ONLY does this in 4wd. New hubs, c.v. joints, and brakes on both sides.


You need to get the truck jacked up preferaby on a lift and check the front axle joints (and everything else also) for wear, loud noise means a lot of movement in something.
edit: see if a wheel is hitting something as it turns.

It has new cv axles, wheel hubs calipers, and brake pads. The sound is coming from the front driveshaft itself. Just not sure if it is the u-joints, t.c., t.c. motor. Anyone else have this problem?

Will try this weekend. Keep posting all. I appreciate EVERYONE'S help. Sorry if I sounded short. Thank you. Will let you know what I find soon.
