Front Fenders? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front Fenders?


Elite Explorer
January 24, 2018
Reaction score
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
‘94 Explorer
‘19 Nautilus
I am in need of both front fenders for my 94 4WD XLT.
Any sources for new parts?
Thanks in advance.

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I understand you want new parts, but salvage sounds like it could be an option…

Good luck.

Reproduction will be a thinner gauge of metal.

One thing i can tell you- up here in MA there are pretty much zero 1st gen explorers left, even in salvage yards.
I guess i could try used fenders but not a lot of people want to ship those (understandable).
I was wanting new since the rest of the truck is in great shape.
Thanks for all the replies!

In that case, you might be better off with fiberglass fenders that the off-road guys use

In that case, you might be better off with fiberglass fenders that the off-road guys use
I'm not opposed to that, but i don't really want flares or need oversized wheel openings. Does anyone make fiberglass fenders with a stock-like fit? Thanks for the info

Went to car, did a search and they said 0 results. I'll keep looking thanks

We had a certifit store in Denver I used to go there all the time

We had a certifit store in Denver I used to go there all the time
I did a search for Certifit locations and nothing came up. I'm guessing there are no locations near me.
We do have LKQ so i'll call on Monday and see what i can find.
Thanks for the help!

Same parts different store lol


Same parts different store lol

Most on ebay are local pickup only, unfortunately and they are nowhere near me. All of the 1st and most 2nd gens have turned to rust and disappeared lmao
Searching on LKQ will only let me go back to 1995, and 2nd gen fenders are completely different than 1st gen. I'll see what they say when i call.

LKQ ships to their other locations, could ask them for some out of the south.
