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Garage Floor paint

I am going to paint the floor in my garage and was curious what experiences anyone has had. Ihave seen the Behr 2 part epoxy pinat and the Quikrete type. They both look like the same thing with a different name.

But my concerns are welding and plasma cuter sparks and fluids(brake clean, etc) ruining the the paint. Also will hot tires pull the paint off the floor?

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The behr and quikrete, and pretty much any other epoxy system commonly available are water based and are not all that great. Look up devoe coatings and find a local store, they should be able to help you out. They make many different kinds of real epoxy coatings and the cost is comparable to the consumer kits.

Search Pirate - apparently nothing stands up well to weld spatter, thats why I left mine alone. I think the conclusion is just to get it polished, or put down a few welding blankets when you are welding (and weld as much as you can on the welding table).

I painted my 2-car garage floor with t-h-e kit from Lowes - Rustoleum I think
It took 2 kits. I went with t-h-e beige color

Ive spilled everything from brake fluid, oil, beer, carb cleaner, brake cleaner you name it and it has all wiped up.
I have welded too, and have not noticed any adverse effects.

Have not lost any due to a hot t-i-r-e

t-h-e only difficult thing is spreading pizza damn flecks... mine is not totally even. And if you get too many in one spot pizza rough texture can be a dust/dirt collector.

I dont think I have a picture of t-h-e floor directly but here's a shot of my latest project...

A 455 Buick to transplant into my 72 GS... You can see t-h-e floor. I have had a few cracks after it was painted though, nothing you can do about that.

Actually found some pictures of t-h-e Buick's Dash I had re-chromed. You can see t-h-e floor close up in this one...

Search Pirate - apparently nothing stands up well to weld spatter, thats why I left mine alone. I think the conclusion is just to get it polished, or put down a few welding blankets when you are welding (and weld as much as you can on the welding table).

Really...didn't know that! but that makes sense. I was going to my garage floor at some point, but you just changed my mind;)

i was getting hungry reading this thread, i think im gunna have some tacos...

Thanks for t-h-e heads up. Lowes carries t-h-e quikrete and rustoleum brands. I am planning on doing t-h-e grey floor to match my garage walls I just finished drywalling and painting. So will I need 3 kits for 3 car garage? And what about etching t-h-e floor first? Mine has some sort of clear coat on it now, that brake cleaner just eats up.

And since my wife and son are going out of town for 5 days I wont have to worry about her forgetting about t-h-e paint and parking in pizza garage. Or my son riding his bike or scooter on t-h-e paint eipizzar.



yeah you'll need 1 kit / car garage
so 3 kits for you.
It dries to walk on after 24 hrs and you can start putting stuff back in.... but cant park on it for a week.
It comes with some powder you dissolve in water to clean t-h-e floor. Its some kind of cleaner/etcher and each kit will have a bag of it so don't be afraid to use it. t-h-e floor has to be completely dry before you paint it so wash/etch it a couple days in advance.

I think t-h-e gray will look good on y-our f-loor too.
you paint a 4'x4' area, and t-hen throw t-h-e flecks, and continue like that until you're done. Its impossible to get perfect.

for my 2 car, I had 1/2 a gallon left over so don't be afraid to put it on thick. A friend of mine did his 2 car with 1 kit. and when it dried you could see every roller mark. looked like a$$

Did you use a clear coat over t-h-e paint? Or did you add any of t-h-e non-slip additive?

Did you use a clear coat over t-h-e paint? Or did you add any of t-h-e non-slip additive?

Nope, no clear coat.. and no non-slip additive.
Just what comes in t-he kit.

I dont find it slippery at all.

T-he reduction of dust was well worth it... highly recommend it
