Gilmer or AGR Run In Texas January 23rd! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Gilmer or AGR Run In Texas January 23rd!


Axle Annihilator!
March 17, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Arlington, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 4x4 Explorer
Gilmer or AGR Run In Texas January 29th & 30th!

Well here is the date I will be making a run to Gilmer definitely, on the 29th of January until the 30th camping out.

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here is the update, I've actually changed the date to January 29th at Gilmer, Texas. Me and a bunch of jeepers are going out. If anyone in the area wants to go just post and I'll give you directions...

That's right sorry and my bronco buddy James T. Man we are like the lone rangers I guess all the Texans are gone... :(

The great one has his rig tore down, thus all the others must stay home. :D :p

Mine is unable to wheel :(

Hey now............... I just need some help and also need someone to pull the axles so I can come get them.

Mike..... I thought you knew that folks stopped wheeling around here?

I've never been to gilmer, but I'm hesitant to join the 'big dawgs' because I have a lil rig with lil tires. Being my daily driver currently also has it's drawbacks. Maybe one day when I get rich....
John, why aren't you going?

Well just 5 days until the run at Gilmer. Just a reminder for any last minute people.

Brian ya I know it seems that folks have stopped wheelin but I figure I'd invite just in case ;)

If I can buff some of the scratches off my Explorer in time I will be there, LOL.

I'd like to come, but my new rig has 3.27 :mad: gears and rides on p235s :thumbdwn: . Plus I have to work till noon both days or I would come ride along.

I do have 4.10s to go in sometime in the next 2 or 3 months, after I acquire a rear locker ;) .
Y'all have fun Party hardy and take pics.

ONE more Day!! :D
