got my 06+ taillights!! need option... | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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got my 06+ taillights!! need option...

oh, well it will still get second looks. Someone will look see the tailgate, then notice the tail lights and think :confused: :confused: :confused: WHAT?
Can't wait to see them tinted, maybe i will do mine on my 06:D
yea bro..decided to just keep them like this..
lol a guy at Costco asked me what year explorer it was lol..yea had the ugly chrome ricer looking euro taillights lol..

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yea bro..decided to just keep them like this..
lol a guy at Costco asked me what year explorer it was lol..yea had the ugly chrome ricer looking euro taillights lol..

Euro Tail lights are :thumbdwn:. Now what you did is freaking awsome :thumbsup:. Post some pics when you get it tinted PLEASE :D ;) I want to see what they look like :cool:

what did you have to do to get the 06 tails to work?? love the look of them. i want new tails but everyone i find is kind of funky looking. let me know.

i just had to bend a little piece of metal on the top. Its really not a big deal. I'm very very picky about my truck and it didn't really bother me doing it. Like i said its just slightly that you have to bend it

do they have the same number of bulbs? i thiught someone on here said that the 06 has 3 sockets instead of 2. i could be wrong but just wanted to confirm.

do they have the same number of bulbs? i thiught someone on here said that the 06 has 3 sockets instead of 2. i could be wrong but just wanted to confirm.

Oh yes i'm sorry..I bought them used and the previous owner had found bulbs that worked for the reverse light and parking light..the brake/turn signal light is the same one.

You do have to do some wiring. But its not hard at all. If you want i'll PM you the info on which wire to tap into and such.:thumbsup:

Oh yes i'm sorry..I bought them used and the previous owner had found bulbs that worked for the reverse light and parking light..the brake/turn signal light is the same one.

You do have to do some wiring. But its not hard at all. If you want i'll PM you the info on which wire to tap into and such.:thumbsup:

Hey do you think you could possibly pm me the wire info too...I got an 05 explorer and i was really interested in putting the 06 tailights on but i ran into the same problem after i bought them and tried to put them in...Thanks

Oh yes i'm sorry..I bought them used and the previous owner had found bulbs that worked for the reverse light and parking light..the brake/turn signal light is the same one.

You do have to do some wiring. But its not hard at all. If you want i'll PM you the info on which wire to tap into and such.:thumbsup:

Where on LI are u located? Maybe i'll pay you to install and wire some 06+ mounty lights for my 03 :D

Those look awesome! I asked him in his thread if he still had not...

Were any modifications to the metal on the truck necessary to mount the lights, or is it pretty much plug-and-play (aside from the bulb issue)?

EDIT: I'm a dumbass.. should have read the thread more carefully. Answer's already there. :shifty_ey

Sorry to bump and old thread, but I tried to send Ghoster a PM about which wires to tap and his inbox is full. Anyone else that has done this, can you provide some extra info?

I like them, if I knew what I was doing I would do it on mine, but with my luck when I would turn the blinker the windshield wiper would come on lol

Looks Good!

It's about time someone posted a 4th gen to 3rd gen tail light swap! It looks great and sharpens up the rear end of the car.

Ive wanted to do it myself and have been driving with a broken tail light on my 03 for a few months debating what to do with it.

Did the lights just fit and plug in? I heard someone say a little bit about cutting the top of the light to fit and a new mount?
