Help! My rear hatch will not unlock?!?! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help! My rear hatch will not unlock?!?!


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Oceanside, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Eddie Bauer 5.0
Yea, I have to hit the "Unlock" button about 50x before it will finally unlock my rear hatch (my rear hatch window does not unlock either) what could be causing this?

Thanks dudes

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The same exact thing has happened to me, but only a few times. My friends thought i was crazy when it wouldnt open for me after hitting unlock many times, then id hit it once more and itd finally work... Any input would be greatly appreciated.

this happend to me i pulled on the plastic surround in the back and i heard a pop i shoved the plastic back on and it styarted working again.

SkanlaxJMO said:
this happend to me i pulled on the plastic surround in the back and i heard a pop i shoved the plastic back on and it styarted working again.

Could you please go into detail on this?

no thats all i did the plastic surrpiund seemed to be holding back the lock mechanism so i pulled it a little and then shoved it back on when i heard a pop and it fixed the problem.

there is a little plastic arm on the keylock that a rod attaches to that breaks easily. mine broke on my drivers side door. i don't know why they make them out of plastic.

anyway, pull the panel off and have a look in there. 95% of the time it's something mechanical that can be fixed easily

Umm, did you try just sticking the key in the hole and turning?? If the first 2 tries didn't work, there's definately something wrong....

Pop the panel off and see. Two screws in teh pull handle, one screw under the cover nest to the window latch, pull up and the panel pops right off.


gijoecam said:
Umm, did you try just sticking the key in the hole and turning?? If the first 2 tries didn't work, there's definately something wrong....

Pop the panel off and see. Two screws in teh pull handle, one screw under the cover nest to the window latch, pull up and the panel pops right off.


Obviously, I tried unlocking it with my key, but what is strange is that I went out and put WD40 on the rear hatch latches, and when I did, it started working again....kinda. I have to hit unlock on my keypad 3x for it to unlock....
I know first unlock is driver side only, second time you hit it, all 4 doors.......does it require 3 times to unlock hatch on keyless entry system?

not on mine.
