Help needed - Ex/Crown Vic steelies on Ranger? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help needed - Ex/Crown Vic steelies on Ranger?

I'm contemplating running some 16x7 steelies and winter tires on my '98 B3000/Ranger 4x4. Some places claim that Explorer/Crown Vic rims will not work on a Ranger, but can't really come up with a reason why. I'd like a better opinion. Is there a backspacing or a hub diameter difference? I've tried to locate some used rims on and when I search for Ranger steelies, I get local wreckers with Explorer and Crown Vic inventory as suitable candidates. Some help would be greatly appreciated....I can see another winter of hell without some proper tires.

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I remember seeing that thread. Do you know if they'd work on a Ranger though?

ranger, explorer rims works intercahngibly. I have eagle alloy jeep rims on my explorer, my rims went on a ranger, and the range ims went on a jeep.

Thanks guys....that's what I'll do then. So I guess if Crown Vic rims were used on an Ex and Ex and Ranger wheels are the same, then Crown Vic steelies should fit my that correct?

Thanks for the awesome support guys

...the saga continues. I found a set of OE Explorer rims 16x7 locally, drove 1 hour each way in the middle of an ice storm and had someone mount my tires on them. I was thrilled, the rims looked good, 5-spoke silver so a pretty nice look, but my excitement turned to frustration when I put one on the truck and realized the offset was way off. The tire was about 1/4" away from the upper ball joint. I measured the backspacing and found that the new 16x7 steelies had a back spacing of about 5.5", while the 15" stock wheels had a backspace of about 4.5" I got useless snow tires AND rims....why can't this be simple? I can't run them like that. Rangers already look like ass with their narrow track and this just make the truck look more like one of those rail trucks....any advice out there?

Off topic pm, thanks!

If they are just winter tires, run em, as long as the tire clears. My tires are very close to the ball joints with no issues. Or get wheel spacers, they can be found pretty reasonably used on here at times.

pm - sending

I just spent a bit of time looking into spacers. I guess I will have to make these wheels work. I really didn't want to make the track appear even narrower....sigh. Thanks again.

I was looking at them too. I must be spoiled because I always want instant gratification....and I can't run these stupid wheels yet. In all fairness, my frustration is that after driving through an ice storm and wasting 1/2 day getting things 'straightened out', I still can't use them. If I buy something off Ebay, I'll have to wait at least 2 weeks, if I can find someone who will ship to Canada. I'll bet if I find them locally, they'll be double the price.

As long as they clear the suspension, you can run them safely- they may look goofy, but they will work. Run them, order spacers and put the spacers on when you get the wheels. If you will get at least 1.5" spacers, you should widen your track a bit.

sounds like you got a hold of some 3rd gen wheels. as stated they will work with spacers, but the 3rd gens do have quite a bit more offset than the rangers/mazdas

Settled on 1.5" spacers....It seems none of the cheaper ones out there are hubcentric, but I can make some rings and press them in. I think I'll wait until the spacers show up, as I can't bear to look at the truck with the wheels that much closer together....yuck
